CHAPTER 11: Seclusion

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Right after that night, yu Yue made her plans known to her family. 
She took a day's break afterward and entered seclusion.

She's now a body refining ninth level early stage and she needs to breakthrough qi condensation third level early stage or better peak stage within this year and a half.


Three months later yu Yue entered the qi condensation stage first level mid-stage.

Four months after she advances again to level two peak stage.

Five months after that she advances again to level three mid-stage.

After another five months, she advances again to level four mid-stage.

She still has a month before the disciples leave for their experience learning so Yu Yue makes use of this time to continue her cultivation trying to break through the peak stage and maybe by some stroke of luck entered the fifth level early stage.

She's been trying to break through the fourth-level peak stage but she just can't advance further.

Her meridians are already starting to hurt so she stops and takes an hour of break, with a flick of her sleeve a round white beady level 1 high-quality earth-grade pill, refined by a Demi Divine Rank alchemist appears in her soft jade-like fingers.

This is the pill Yu Xue'er gave her before she entered seclusion. Xue'er asks her master, ye Lian Hua to personally refine this pill for Yu Yue.

The pills are graded according to the following; Spirit rank Apprentice alchemists could refine level 1 to 9 red-grade pills and Spirit Rank Master alchemists could refine level 1 to 7 green-grade pills in the lower realm.

In the middle realm, alchemists could refine higher grades, Spirit Grandmaster alchemists could refine level 1 to 5 yellow grade pills and Demi Divine Rank Masters could refine level 1 to 3 Earth grade pills.

In the higher realm alchemists could refine pills of higher grade, Divine Rank Master could refine Sky grade pills and Divine grandmaster could refine Heaven grade pills, and lastly in the higher realm alchemists of God Rank could refine Divine grade pills.

She takes a good look at the pill as her heart aches. She didn't hesitate for long and swallowed as she starts cultivating again.

She could immediately feel the spirit energy starts gushing into her dantian like spring after absorbing the pills' essence.

She finally broke through to qi condensation fifth level middle stage.

When she came out she saw everyone except for elder Qi Ji gathered outside the spirit gathering pavilion.

She was surprised to see this but quickly smiled warmly as she walks towards them.

"mother, father, elders, sister hua'er and xue'er" she smiled sweetly as she greeted them.

"my, my. You're starting to look like a lady little girl" ye baihe giggled seeing Yu Yue's exquisite face. Although she didn't grow that much her delicate baby face now has a touch of a lady to it, and her flat chest grows a little too.

"right little sister, a few years from now you would be prettier than me" Yu Xue'er pinch her cheeks dotingly.

"Hmmp. Eldest sister, don't just look at the face. Haven't you noticed Yu Yue's cultivation improves so fast that she almost caught up with us?" Yu Hua'er said despondently.

She used to be too complacent about her talent before but now she'd be embarrassed to call herself a genius because Yu Yue is only 7 levels below her.

While Yu Yue was in seclusion she also advances to the foundation establishment level 2 middle stage. Yuxue'er also advances to level 2 early stage of foundation establishment.

"Well, there's always someone better than you out there. But what are you complaining about? You aren't bad yourself." Yu Changlu rebuked her softly.

"Yu Yue's physique is really good though, it's not even fully activated, yet it already has such an advantage." Ming Tai Yang praised as well.

Determination flashed in his eyes as he watched his daughters teasing each other lovingly. He vowed to greatly improve his strength too to be able to protect everyone and he won't let the same thing happen again before his own eyes but was unable to do anything.

Yu Changlu noticed the oddity of her husband and a panged of pain enveloped her heart as she quickly grabs his hands as determination also flashed in her eyes.

They also made an arrangement long ago and was just waiting for Yu Yue to be able to stand by herself.

After congratulating Yu Yue everyone dispersed since there are still two more days before the disciples would leave the bright moon palace.

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