CHAPTER 125: Collecting interest (2)

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That noon Yu Yue put her plans for the city lord's manor on hold, she was really pissed right now. She has so many things to settle and trouble one after the other knocks on her door.

She made quick plans to find capable people to do boring office stuff, she really neglected that part and prioritize her force's fighting strength first. She can't make the five great clans do all the stuff, they're busy enough with their clan's affairs. As for the ancestors, they already quit doing this kind of stuff long ago.

It was her first time building her own force so she could only slowly shape it to greatness.
She went home with Xing Er as the patriarchs' go home first to settle their affairs, and the ancestors went with Yu Yue to her manor. Xiao Xiao and the others were working their ass off in the jade moon pavilion so Yu Yue also took them away with her this time. She already notified them earlier to close the shop early. She feels bad for them but right now she really needs some help.

They made quick plans as they all entered the mystical space after asking xing er specific questions about their 'guests'.

"oh it's just so so, I'll leave it to the grandpas' hands" she muttered dismissively and everyone's mouth twitched, although xing er simply look down on those people the ancestors still found hard to deal with. But remembering xing er and Xing Yi's strength those people were just nothing them two. 

Seeing their solemn expressions Yu Yue was amazed. "why? Grandpas' aren't confident?" she smirks teasingly.

"hmmp, those people are just ants. There might be many of them but they aren't that great" ancestor si snorted in disdain.

The other ancestors also harrumphed proudly. Yu Yue was amused but she didn't tease them anymore as she still has questions.

Yu Yue knows that of course, but just to make sure everything goes smoothly she told Xing Yi and xing er to go with them later. 

"grandpas' why did you guys really make me the new city lord?" she feels like she was duped into something again like what Snow fairy did last time.

Seeing her suspicious look the ancestors were aggrieved.

"little girl, why are you thinking so much? We simply handed that position to you because we could tell that you can make a huge change in this realm just based on your capabilities and also this mystical space of yours that could help experts like us get through the heavenly restrictions in this realm alone is one thing" ancestor de said with seriousness because they aren't joking when they entrusted the city lord position to her. Not really entrusted but more likely forced on her. Besides, there is no lineage from the previous city lord and their city guardian was also contracted to her.

A person like her existence is really frightening, instead of making enemies with her why not keep her by their side? Besides they already know that the outer region would undergo a change even before she didn't appear, now it's their only chance to survive this impending crisis.

"is that all?" Yu Yue frowned because she really hates being kept in the dark the most.

"hmm" they all nodded, upon seeing their grim expressions she believed them.

"Alright, now it's about time. Please help me clean up those people if necessary don't kill them because I just have the perfect plan for them" she smiled wickedly before they flashed out of the space.

Everyone was stunned and gawked at her.

"don't tell me you're interested in them after hearing their might?" ancestor de frowned because it was a sick idea. 

"Are you sure? This is dangerous though" ancestor Tian looked at her pointedly
The others also glance at her disapprovingly.

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