CHAPTER 17: The contract (1)

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Big bear consoled it and it took a while before it falls asleep. It then picks it up using its mouth and he handed it to Yu Yue.

Yu Yue looks at him puzzledly.

"he wants you to take care of them because their mother says so." elder Fei told her. Once a contract is formed the master can understand their contracted spirit beasts.

"oh okay, Yu Yue nodded in agreement readily" she likes this two very much anyways. She did have some thoughts about this two for a second but she doesn't want to take advantage of them because their mother just died.

"but it's too dangerous for you as well." elder Fei said with some hesitation. "many practitioners covet the bear beasts for various reasons and it might bring you endless trouble if you simply bring them along as this" elder Fei said solemnly. He feels pity for these two little fellas but he can't compromise the third miss safety as well.

He knows how Yu Yue feels based on her reaction earlier, so he gives her a hint that if he wants to bring it along with her she needs to form a contract with them.
Upon hearing that Yu Yue hesitated.

Big bear nudged Yu Yue with its huge head gently and elder Fei translated it for her.

"Big bear says it's okay as long as it's you because he knows you won't mistreat them and would protect them," elder Fei said with a sigh full of emotion.

The others watched enviously but they also know that they aren't fated with the two little bears so they simply vowed deep in their hearts to find their contract spirit beasts and treat them nicely too. Besides their mental strength is not as powerful as Yu Yue so they can't contract the two little bears at the same time. It would be too cruel to separate the two from each other.

Seeing the two little fellas sleeping on her arms and lap comfortably Yu Yue's eyes reflected gentleness and without any hesitation anymore.  To protect what's dear to her she would grow stronger.

"Uncle Fei can you help me?" she said as she smiled at the sleeping fellas.

Uncle Fei nodded as he came closer and put his hand on little black's head while closing his eyes in concentration. Less than 5 minutes later he opened his eyes and went to tame little white next and finished rather even quickly this round.

Since the little bears are just newborns, elder Fei quickly tamed them. If it's a grownup one it takes a lot of time, even so, it's no problem for him. He could team up with early-stage monarch beasts, so a mere newborn level 3 is nothing to him.

Beast tamers are ranked accordingly; Spirit rank Apprentice could tame level 1 to 5 spirit beasts and Spirit Rank Master beast tamers could tame level 6 to 9 spirit beasts in the lower realm. The ranking and levels increase in every realm.

In the middle realm, Spirit Grandmaster beast tamers could tame king beasts of low, mid, and high levels and Demi Divine Rank Master could tame monarch beasts of low, mid, and high levels.

In the higher realm, Divine Rank Master could tame emperor beasts of low, mid, and high levels and the Divine grandmaster could tame saint beasts of low, mid, and high levels. Lastly, in the god realm, God Rank beast tamers could tame divine beasts of low, mid, and high levels.

The little bears are already level 3 the moment they were born but their consciousness is still not that strong that's why he managed to tame them quickly.

Elder Fei is already considered an incomparable existence in this realm and even in the middle realm, he's already talented. Most senior beast tamers in this realm are only able to tame level 5 to 9 beasts but sometimes it's not even successful. But of course, this isn't within Yu Yue's knowledge. She only thinks the bright moon palace is amazing but not to that level yet because she didn't know about realms, nobody told her at all, besides she knows too little about the outside world. Books about realms are kept in a restricted section of the library and even she can't enter that place freely. 

"you can now form the contract Yu Yue." elder Fei said as he sat down to recuperate his mental strength, although it's quick it still took a little bit of energy.

"en" she nodded but didn't make a move. "I'll just wait for them to wake up uncle because they seemed rather weary right now" she explained before elder Fei closes his eyes to start recuperating and she pats the two little ones lovingly.

After an hour little black opened his eyes groggily while looking for their mother's body.

"Oh, don't worry we buried her already" she said while pinching little black's cheeks.

Little black stared blankly at her.

Yu Yue's heart aches for him but she takes this time to contract little black.

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