CHAPTER 173: Forming a kingdom

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They soon found out the full story, little Cheng Shi ran away from home. They were just living off their relatives, when his big brother didn't return anymore he was treated worse than a dog and beaten like one.

He wants to go to the lava mountain forest alone to find his big brother because no one wants to help him. Out of hunger, he collapsed on the way, and that's when Yu Yue's group found him lying unconscious there.


Right after Yu Yue left she already leave instructions for everyone, it's not according to her plan to lord over the three independent cities. She could barely manage hundred flower city, but out of her expectations, the people from blue thunder city and the rainbow flame city wants her to be their city lord.

They have seen the improvement of hundred flower city. Right after the death of their city lords, some people move to a hundred flower city, news traveled fast, and more and more people were moving to a hundred flower city. To solve this problem, the ancestors dig a pit for Yu Yue. They know she would be angry so they're willing to do all the work for her behind her back so at least she would be less angry when she returns.

Hua ling and wang ling stayed in rainbow flame city and oversee the changes, mo ling and Feng Chen also stayed in blue thunder city to do the same. The ancestors were also divided as they move here and there to settle the people from the three cities. Besides, Hua Ling and Mo Ling are far from capable in this area. Yu ling somewhat managed hundred flower city alone, but the others couldn't handle it so even the patriarchs were also deployed.

Out of the eight great clans combined with the opposing cities only one clan surrendered, they stayed and the rest were annihilated. The five great clans of hundred flower city held an emergency meeting with them, they need to change their system and division of powers.

Thus, it was agreed to form a council, the great trigram. It was decided that two great clans should oversee each city, the de clan and the Zhuang clan would remain in a hundred-flower city. Si clan and tian clan would move to blue thunder city. Hai clan would move to the rainbow flame city and join with the chu clan there.

They were doing this because they know they can't let Yu Yue carry all the burdens, the Yu manor's force is her personal army. She would leave hundred flower city soon and so as her subordinates. Besides, she has already done enough for them. She would still be the one and their only city lord, but they have to function when she's not around effectively.

After their consensus they started developing the three cities, since it's now just under one person's leadership it becomes the Jade moon kingdom. Since there are only three cities it was too small for an empire so they formed a three-city kingdom. There are many undeveloped areas throughout the jade moon kingdom, they would ask Yu Yue's opinion about it when she returned.

Yu Yue already mentioned to them before that she wants to build an academy city for young cultivators and professionals. The talent in the outer region is truly mediocre and pitiful, she once heard from xing er that there are academies in the middle and higher realms for cultivators.

Two months after yu yue's group left, a group of dashing youths was teleported inside hundred flower city. This caused a sensation. However, they didn't manage to see the person they wanted to see the most.

As the first individuals from the outer region who managed to become direct disciples of the elders in the bright moon palace, they are pioneers who have great achievements in their fields. The five of them help build the academy city, which was built in the depths of the black forest where the fake inheritance temple was located.

Yu Yue doesn't know the shocking changes currently happening in the jade moon kingdom. It's a wonder how would she react when she returns and everything changes so much.

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