CHAPTER 136: Space upgrade (1)

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Yu Yue spends her entire week with little Xi Wang, she talks to him and takes care of him. She also delayed the tournament and withdraws herself for the time being from the city affairs as well because it's been a month and those people remained quiet.

She was already used to having him around her so she couldn't bear to let him go, she's been blaming her strength again. She vowed to quickly go up there and reunite with her family.

Even so, the time came when little Xi Wang leaves with Xi Lei. Yu Yue and the entire manor watch him enter the space void created by the teleportation compass. They were so attentive to him that they pack up a lot of things for him, Yu Yue also give him many high-grade treasures from the space.

If little Xi Wang didn't stop her from taking out more he's afraid she would take out all the treasures in the space for him.

Yu Yue wants Xing Er to follow him but he refused because Xing Er needs to be with her and she won't be much help in the higher realm.

After he left Yu Yue's mood was heavy, and the entire manor is in a depressing state. Thankfully, butler white and the two adorable beasts keep her company and she spends her days inside the space. Butler White toured her around to liven her spirits.

The mythical space advance again and there are new things Yu Yue hasn't explored yet. 

Just like the treasure pavilion, mystical library, celestial spring water, spirit weapon pagoda, and the white palace.

"is that the celestial spring water I'm thinking of?" Yu Yue ask excitedly in anticipation as she pointed at the pure crystalline translucent and sparkly water in a spring fountain.

"hehe, you're right. However, more surprises are waiting for you. Follow me" butler white said mysteriously.

Yu Yue was still in a daze when butler white waved his paws and their scenery changed, they were standing in front of a pavilion with charming words that says 'doll house'.

Yu Yue's mouth twitches as she read the words a little disdainful. "doll house? Seriously? Do you think I still need to play dolls at my age?" she looks at butler white with sarcasm.

"heh, what do you know? When I say it's a treasure it means it's more valuable than treasures. I've seen many yet not all can enter my eyes" butler white fumed his eyes rolling at her contemptuously as he ignored Yu Yue and jump out of her embrace and enter the 'doll house'.

Yu Yue was stumped but she followed him inside anyways. "oh you should have said so earlier. hehehe" she laughed sheepishly.

"hmmp. You're such a country bumpkin" he snorted contemptuously as he strutted forward.
The 'doll house' gave off a luxurious feel just seeing the entrance. Yu Yue was expecting to see tiny tweeny dolls made of weird materials but when he entered she was speechless.

"This place looks like a factory of something" she raised her brows at the sight of raw materials and carving tools, a familiar wood and crystal cores.

"nonsense, look at that" butler white said as he couldn't bear to deal with Yu Yue's ignorance anymore.

"is that a sleeping little boy and a little girl?" she asked incredulously as she pointed at the pair of little adorable girl and boy around 2 years old sleeping inside the jade crystal coffin.

"hehe, open it and you'll know after injecting the power of light on their forehead" he simply said without further explanation. Though he was glad she was back to her usual self and showed interest and excitement while they explore the space.

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