CHAPTER 127: Collecting interest (4)

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On the other side, Xing Er quickly leads everyone toward the place where young master Wu meets with young master Zhou.

They didn't bother hiding their presence so the other party was startled when several people appeared out of a sudden.

"Oh, so it's really you, young master Zhou of Zhou clan from blue thunder city" ancestor Tian blurted with an amicable smile.

Young master Zhou frowned after getting over his surprise as he blurted. "how did you find us?" he asked coldly. He's sure nobody knows they're here except for the Wu family's father and son.

He isn't worried at all because their city lord makes sure to send capable and strong people this time to mess around with the five great clans and it's enough to deal with foundation establishment level 9 peak stage practitioners.

Although he found it weird that he couldn't detect these people's cultivation at all he just snorted in his heart because he knows no one from this realm could break through past the level 9 peak stage of foundation establishment.

"hehe, our city lord sends us all here to greet our guests. She thought you guys are just too shy to enter the city directly after coming here with such fanfare so here we are" ancestor Si beamed full of smiles.

An old man beside young master Zhou frowned as the alarm bells sounded in his mind but he didn't say anything because he was too sure these people were on just the same level as him. 

"hmmp, since you already know we are here stop wasting your breaths. If you beg me to let you all off while kneeling, I might spare your lives as long as you joined our side" young master zhou snickered not hiding his contempt for them.

"hehe, may that little girl won't mind if I kill this brat" ancestor Zhuang laughed angrily as his houtian level 2 peak stage surged uncontrollably.

The other party's face changes in an instant as a suffocating pressure envelops them because the other ancestors also let their strength gush out. The ancestors were already angry but now a weak brat who only knows how to talk big tried to embarrass them.

Young master zhou's face paled as he gritted his teeth and shouted. "everyone attack, I don't believe that----" however before he could react and finish his words he was punched right in the abdomen by ancestor Zhuang. He spurts a mouthful of blood as he staggered.

He didn't lose consciousness directly because he was wearing a life-preserving treasure.

"oh, let's see how long can your armor lasts" ancestor Zhuang laughed excitedly as he uses seventy percent of his strength.

"H-how could this be? My red iron armor can block attacks from foundation establishment level 9 peak stage" he blurted incredulously, he was so proud of this armor that's why he's being complacent facing the experts yet with one punch from this old monster he actually spurted blood.

He was still in a daze when mournful shrieks reverberated in the entire forest, scaring the birds and animals away.

He looks at his back and his legs trembled in horror, aside from the elders who teamed up, the others were all beaten up badly and lost their consciousness, only leaving with faint breathing almost dead.
Before he could retreat to his escape, ancestor Zhuang attacks him again.

"brat, where are you looking at? Your opponent is here" ancestor Zhuang mocked as his powerful palms grasps young master Zhou's chest plate and it quickly shattered and turned into dust under his powerful strike.

Xing Er and Xing Yi stood there unmoving just watching coldly from the side, they were vigilant though unless something unexpected happens.

Young master Zhou's red iron armor caught their attention, they know this armament well. It definitely came from the middle realm.

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