CHAPTER 179: Cornering who? (3)

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Yu Yue set this up to practice her skills, but she still lacking in combat experience. She set up the trapping array to make sure none could escape her grasp. It's nighttime anyways, they could still afford to kill time as they aren't advancing.

She thought they would instantly regret it seeing her array skills, turns out she's thinking too highly of herself. A mere array couldn't deter the ignorant and the greedy hearts.

"Good, I was just feeling merciful earlier but seeing your determination seems like I can't disappoint you all. Don't tell me I didn't warn you though" Yu Yue smiled excitedly while clasping her hands like a beaming Buddha, it is true she indeed wants to give these people a way out but at the same time she also prayed that they would be these stubborn so she could teach them a lesson.

"Haha, stop being so arrogant. Hmph, stop pretending. We already know that your guard is the only person with real abilities, but so there are so many of us now. As for you? Heh, your cultivation isn't even worth mentioning" the first prince shouted jeeringly. His eyes glared at them like daggers, as he cackled sinisterly.

The elder from the Huxian empire frowned, he really dislikes this first prince's overbearing and lecherous personality. But before the empire's might, he could only bow down to submit so he couldn't even voice out his displeasure.

"oh it's you, seems like you haven't learned your lesson yet" Yu Yue cocked her eyebrows mockingly as she added. "as if being slapped away like a fly with one slap and landing in a pit of mud face first wasn't embarrassing enough, you actually dare came back for another round of beating. Big brother Xing Yi must have gone easy on you last time" Yu Yue said meaningfully as she eyed him teasingly.

The first prince was stunned in a daze, his expression stiffened as her ears reddened from the embarrassing reminder. His entire body then shook from anger as he pointed his fingers full of tacky gold glittering rings at Yu Yue's face.

"ARGHH! KILL THAT LITTLE SLUT FOR ME! HOW DARE SHE EMBARRASS THIS PRINCE!" he shrieks and wildly ordered his guards who immediately unsheathed their weapons.

Yu Yue giggled in amusement as she commented not too lowly nor loudly but just enough for everyone to be heard. "this guy is really foolish; I could tell at a glance that he's good for nothing but I never knew it's to this level" she snickered with a derisive snort.

The first prince shook in anger again, he almost fainted. He never meets someone so despicable as Yu Yue. He was the first prince and the people around him were always flattering him so his verbal abilities are just pitiful.

When the first prince's guards rushed to attack Yu Yue nobody dared to make a move, they quietly watched first. They smiled mischievously at the prince's foolishness, he just let his men test these people's strength for them. 

Although they disregard their strengths, they were sly and cautious people as they still have real experience as they often do things like this.

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