CHAPTER 138: Space upgrade (3)

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Yu Yue was dumbstruck, but she just let them be. No matter how hard she tried to explain they didn't get it because they could tell her familiar aura is all over their body.

Yu Yue's eyes flashed as her she stared intensely at butler white.
After she recuperated she continued her tour around the space with Little Tear and Little Pie in tow. They went around the spirit weapon pagoda and lastly to the white palace.

The white palace is grand, it has luxurious and elegant designs, grander than the palaces of the great empires. However, it's currently empty. Butler white is the only person who stays there so Yu Yue gives it some thought.

She can't help but sigh at her luck, the spirit weapon pagoda was full of armaments. The armory of the great empires would be ashamed to compare with her.

Yu Yue's mind flashed, her heart in pain as she remembered she spend a lot of resources on armaments she intends to reward to her people. She even personally designed a few of those. 

"butler white, what grade are these weapons?" Yu Yue asked curiously, she couldn't tell the grade of many armaments inside the pagoda. But she's sure that they're of an even higher grade than her white ice sword.

"hehe, these armaments are of course the best of the best. There is one god-grade armament among them. The rest are around earth grade, sky grade, and heaven grade." Butler white beamed proudly.

"that many?" Yu Yue almost fainted as her eyes opened wide, her jaws dropping to the ground. She stared blankly at butler white in disbelief.

"hmph, what else do you think? Mythical space is the highest grade of treasure in the entire god realm so it would be an embarrassment if my previous masters store useless low-level trash in here. They aren't country bumpkins like you" he snorted contemptuously.

Hearing his contemptuous tone, Yu Yue's face was full of black lines. She messed his white fur again in annoyance.

"stop bullying me! What are you so angry about? I'm just saying the truth." He wriggled out of Yu Yue's grasp but Yu Yue didn't let him escape.

"hmmp, you don't have to be so harsh. I'm still your mistress, so at least gave me some face" she gritted her teeth as she cupped butler white's face and fumbled it over and over.

Butler white harrumphed aggrievedly.

While Yu Yue was messing up with butler white, little pie and little tears were curiously playing with little black and little white.

Butler white explained to her earlier, although they're puppets they have divine consciousness as Snow fairy is already of god level when she created them. They are not different from human kids, they have curiosity and intellect. Their thoughts were pure and simple.

"you should try your luck and form a contract with that god-grade celestial fan, however only one person managed to form a contract with it even after thousands of millenniums, and not even Snow fairy could take it. It's a picky artifact" butler white suggested in surrender and Yu Yue let him go unwillingly.

"where is it?" she asked with a frown. She wasn't expecting anything, even Snow fairy wasn't able to form a contract with it then how about her? But even so, she readily gives it a try.

Butler White snorted at her complacent look as he waves his paws and a dazzling dark red fan appeared.

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