CHAPTER 148: Queen of flowers

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Seeing her acting like that with little purple, a certain willow tree shook its branches dejectedly. It snorted in its mind with jealousy. 'soon I'd be able to transform as well. Hmmp, you'd be dazzled with my charisma' he said sourly as he faces them with his back.

Little purple could hear what he was thinking so she giggled. One of her vines extended and grab little willow who was caught off guard. She then dotingly caressed his leaves with a gentle smile.

However, her actions attracted the attention of five little fellas. A little violet pumpkin made a gurgling noise of protest, it's mouth opened as a purple flowery fragrant smoke spewed out.

Yu Yue was stunned, she did feel like caressing this little fellow earlier because his pumpkin shape looks really cute. Thankfully she didn't. if she did she might not know how she died. She shivered as she quickly moves away, little purple reacted quickly as she hides Little Willow who was trembling with fear.

It could be imagined how poisonous this little pumpkin is, even little willow was affected.  Little purple just evolves and becomes the queen of flowers so she was able to produce variant plants.

'won't the space get filled with poisonous plants in the future?' Yu Yue thought with a worried expression. Butler white told her before that this would happen every time little purple evolves.

Hearing her thoughts little purple giggled mischievously.

"mistress, these are my children. Please also take care of them in the future. You don't have to worry though. It takes many years for me to evolve but every time I do so the number of variant spirit plants I produced would multiply in numbers" she added teasingly, seeing Yu Yue's expression keeps changing.

"ah, that's good. Hahaha." Yu Yue laughed wryly as she curiously glances at the five little spirit plants.

Aside from Little Pumpkin, there's also a little flower that looks like a lavender that gives off a sweet smell but it made Yu Yue uncomfortable. She could tell that this one is a nerve-paralyzing flower. The next one looks like it's always hungry, it doesn't have flowers just a wide mouth with sharp scissor teeth.  The fourth one looks like a cactus with vines but she could tell its thorns are really poisonous. The last one looks like a moonflower, unlike the rest it looks gentle and its scent is calming it made Yu Yue really sleepy.

"what is she?" she pointed at the white moonflower that move its leaves gently caressing Yu Yue's fingers. If she didn't know that it's produced from little purple she might take it as a normal flower.

"oh she's a variant moonflower, her scent could make people sleep deeply and if they're not given the antidote they won't ever wake up." little purple said with tenderness as if she just didn't say anything that makes Yu Yue's hair stood on ends and scalp numb.

She instantly withdraws her hands with a fearful expression. Little willow also jumps back at the top of her head pretending to be a flower crown, he's still shaken from earlier.

After catching up with Little Purple,e Yu Yue tamed the spirit plants. Butler White already knows who's going to be their master in his head. 

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