CHAPTER 52: The ancient ruin (1)

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After a long moment of silence, Yu Yue starts regaining her senses.

Once she opened her eyes all she could see is darkness.

She waited for a while for her vision to naturally adjust but there was still nothing so she inserts her consciousness inside her spacial ring and took out crystal orbs.

After imbuing her spirit qi into them it quickly floated mid-air, illuminating a bright white light around her, she controlled one of the orbs to fly around her surroundings further to gauge out the environment here and there.

This place is covered entirely with black ink darkness all around.

The place looks like a tunnel heading somewhere with stone pillars every 5 meters on the way holding oil lamps.

The place looks huge, the diameter between the ceiling and the ground is at least around 20 meters high.

She walks around trying to find the others. Soon enough she saw them lying on the ground with light injuries as if they were scratched and hit by the falling rumbles earlier.

She furrowed her brows in confusion after checking herself and ascertaining that she was not even injured a little bit.

She frowned at that, she falls from that illusion array too. Seeing that their injuries obtained from the falling rumbles inside the cave appears to be real.

She's truly dumbstruck at the grade of that array and why did it shatter? She has so many questions without answers so she just leaves them aside and treats their injuries one by one.

She uses her refined liquid medicines and some recovery pills from bright moon palace.

It makes one curious and admires whoever set up that high-grade illusion array.

Not long after, Si Xiao Xiao and the rest slowly regained their consciousness.

They look at themselves in astonishment, they thought they were gravely injured if they didn't directly die from the impact earlier. Once they saw Yu Yue's ever-neat and clean appearance they were dumbfounded.

Although they sigh in relief that she's unharmed they silently cursed their luck.

After recuperating they all stood up gathering around as they tried to keep minimal noises while checking around.

Inside the tunnel there's only one way, the other end is blocked by a huge tree. Its roots and branches coiled around the entire ground up to the ceiling they can't even see what's on the other side.

They tried to slash the tree and use their elements to make a way but the tree is harder than steel. Their swords just bounced off without leaving any scratches at all.

"what the heck is this tree?" Zhuang Lan panted after slashing it with their most powerful strikes together.

"My hands already hurt" hai xingze said as he raised his beautiful hands with jade-like fingers already swelling red.

"Mine too" little fatty grumbled dejectedly as he also raised his hands almost resembling a pig trotter.

Yu Yue giggled at them, though this time is inappropriate she can't help it at the sight of this young master's swollen hands.

After trying a few times earlier she stops and was just simply observing from the side like a boss telling everyone to hit this and that.

"Yu Yue you're too crafty" little fatty grieved pitifully.

"Alright let's just go this way" Yu Yue chuckled as she leads them to the other way after narrowing her eyes at the lifeless tree.

It appears to be dead from the outside but Yu Yue could feel a weak vitality from it but she didn't dare do anything recklessly.

They have been attacking it for a quarter of an hour already but nothing happened.

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