CHAPTER 176: Lava mountain forest (3)

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The first prince woke up with a bump on his forehead, his valuables were missing. He woke up first and saw his men still unconscious. "useless fools" he kicks them awake full of anger.

He gritted his teeth viciously as vengeful thoughts lingered in his mind, they too soon started moving up the mountain.


the towering trees stretch across the horizon, as the sun was about to set they decided to take a rest. After looking around Yu Yue's group flashed inside the space.

Little cheng shi greets them with a jubilant smile followed by Little Tear and Little Pie, he was already amazed to daze inside the space these past few days.

"big sister, it's so nice in her. If we really can't find my big brother, then I'll stay in here with little pumpkin" he said sadly as Little Pumpkin perched on the top of his head like how little willow would behave around Yu Yue. Little Chen shi truly wished to have his big brother get in here as well, so he won't need to look for treasures and medicinal herbs to make a living as there are many treasures inside the space.

"Okay, don't worry about it. I'll let Little Tear help us in that too" Yu Yue smiled comfortingly, she already gives it some thought before. Little Tear's ability would come in handy to look for the fire dragon grass, little pie could also help if necessary.

Before coming here, they already gathered information regarding the lava mountain forest and knows that the inner area is flowing with lava and full of magma which humans couldn't withstand with their low level of cultivation.

Looking at cheng shi's wilted mood, Little Tear nodded as the scenes outside played out in the mirrors. He could detect vital energies so anything with life can be detected by his mirrors and were shown to them at the moment. 

Since yu yue's strength isn't that strong little tear could only cover about a city's wide scope. The mirrors showed many people who were also resting and some others still moving and fighting with spirit beasts and poisonous insects.

Among the people shown, there are strong groups of experts. "Isn't that the trash earlier? Right, which empire's prince is he by the way?" Xing Er said nonchalantly as she gazes coldly at the group of people on the screen who were resting and moving around limply, they look a little shabby compared to earlier. 

"beats me." Xing Yi said dismissively, Yu Yue also didn't care at all. After analyzing their current situation tian shi served them dinner and they all rested up as they need to get up early tomorrow and started moving towards the inner area.

"little cheng shi, you play with little tear and little pie to play around. We have to rest now, I'm rather tired" Yu Yue called out without looking as she went inside her courtyard, she saw several poisonous insects earlier so she took her time. They didn't meet strong spirit beasts so they didn't catch many this time.

Lady Shan Shou didn't go to her room right away, she went to see little Shan Shan. Her heart felt a little heavy as she saw her daughter lying peacefully inside the crystal coffin as if she were just sleeping. She missed her so much already, she knows her daughter well that's why she's never too worried that she would cause trouble.

But... She clenched her hands tightly, she hated herself for being weak and not able to protect herself properly.

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