CHAPTER 88: Warm and lively (1)

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The banquette sailed smoothly, and for a change of scenery Yu Yue invited everyone outside towards the Ying Yang pavilion, that's right this pavilion is inspired by the two gluttons.

Yue Yue loves her spirit beasts so much that she even ordered people to carve a statue dedicated to them, she places it at the center of the interfacing pavilion where she made a pond, and inside the pond is a mini fake island.

Little white and little black stood there holding a little plant that appeared to be little willow, their figures were finely carved from a thousand-year-old jade ice stone.  Yu Yue's array mastery improved a little and now she's able to set up a level 9 array.

This stone carving is the eye of the array.

The two pavilions have vines crawling all over them but not overcrowding, showing their majestic and unique architectural design. Yu Yue build the new buildings in the yu mansion deeply inspired by modern architecture so it's all new to their eyes.

"This place is really beautiful. This is my favorite spot" Xiao Xiao said with dreamy eyes.

"Little brat, you should also build a courtyard for this old man here" ancestor Si glared at his granddaughter.

During the construction Si Xiao Xxiao asked Yu Yue to also build her own courtyard here, the others also shamelessly copied her example. Yu Yue smiled helplessly and agree to their requests readily.

"grandfather, I shamelessly begged Yu Yue that time. You should shamelessly ask her personally too" Si Xiao Xiao giggled with a smile a little proudly.

The others could hear them loud and clear given their cultivation and they also look at their grandchildren with disappointment for not meeting their expectations, their meaning is clear.

The patriarchs of the five great clan's mouths can't help twitching seeing their fathers and children behaving like unscrupulous people. But deep down they too sighed at Yu Yue's lavishness.

The de clansmen were still okay because they received gifts from bright moon palace but the rest they were envious because they didn't have such gifts and ancestor de keeps boasting about it.

Ancestor si and the others could feel the rich spiritual qi gathering throughout the entire manor, it's because Yu Yue arranged a spirit gathering array. Unlike the bright moon palace's spirit-gathering pagoda, this one is unique because she combined it with the protection array that surrounds the entire mansion.

This way it strengthens the array and the spirit qi inside in almost half as much as the spiritual qi inside the mythical space.

In fact, Yu Yue build guest courtyards for the other families if they feel like staying there to cultivate but she didn't tell them yet. 

She gives it some thought before Yu Ling told her that the other independent cities and the four great empires have designs for hundred flower city.

He once heard during one of his mission that the city lord of blue thunder city might wage war with hundred flower city, he wants to build an empire and there are only three independent cities left which haven't yet become a part of the four great empires.

Rainbow flame city is still strong enough and blue thunder city would suffer losses even if they won the war if he moves against hundred flower city instead then he would surely win and he would be able to conquer rainbow flame city next. Besides rainbow flame city and hundred flower city are always at odds.

Yu Yue is sure that the others also realized this danger but they can't make a decision because of that short-sighted and foolish city lord.

But she just put it aside for another time because this is a banquette she works hard to prepare, and she can't bear to ruin the fun.

The scene was heartwarmingly lively when Yu Yue arrived after preparing and dressing up.

Little xi wang already woke up and Yu Yue dressed him too.

She holds his hands, personally leading the way for him as xing er and Yu Ling escorted them towards the center of Ying Yang pavilion.

Everyone is already gathered at the venue; the guests have seated already in their spots.

Their tables were placed below the pavilion's platform because it can't fit too many people so only the patriarch and the ancestors, plus the madam and her friends were able to fit on the top. Yu Yue didn't follow the formal seating arrangement by rankings but she arranged it as a family so it was warm and lively.

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