CHAPTER 117: Stunning the crowd (1)

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After clarifying things Yu Yue then remembered something.

"right, asked your people to plant these seeds all around the borders of the city." Yu Yue said with a small smile.

Everyone looks at the seeds full of confusion "what's that for? Flowers? Don't we have many already?" patriarch Zhuang frowned.

The ancestors already left this place because they can't be bothered so they leave it to their sons.

Patriarch tian frowned looking at the seeds. "these seeds don't look simple at all, what is it Yu Yue?" he asked with a flash in his eyes as a bold guess popped into his mind.

"It's the twilight-thorned vines" she smiled.


"The twilight-thorned vines?"

"But isn't that hard to cultivate?"

"Right even the city lord didn't know how to cultivate it, they just keep it in their treasure pavilion all these years"

"We have no idea how to cultivate it though"

They exclaimed with gasps and excitement but they quickly started feeling dejected, it's been stored in the city lord's treasure pavilion for how many centuries already but nobody manages to cultivate it.

"Hehe not hard at all" Yu Yue grinned mysteriously.

To be honest she didn't know what it is as well until Butler White told her how wasteful to just keep a treasure like that out of the sunlight.

He said it's like having an umbrella but aren't using the umbrella in fear of getting it wet. 'just stupidity' butler white snorted in disdain after telling her how to cultivate the vines.

After explaining the minute details, she was just about to leave the place but another round of ruckus occurred.

"Where's the city lord? I want to meet the city lord. Let me enter" a loud shouting at the city lord's gate attracted the attention of the bustling street.

Yu Yue who was just about to exit the place when she heard it, frowned in displeasure.

She just dealt with an annoying group of flies and there's another group knocking on her door again.

"I'm here, what are you looking at me for?" she said impolitely which makes patriarch wu's face darkened.

He looks at Yu Yue up and down, raising his brows at her young figure and bear mask speechlessly, he thought although the new city lord is a nobody it won't be this disappointing and he might need to waste energy but who knows it's just a stupid little girl who hasn't grown all of her hairs yet.

When he saw the guards from de clan greet her politely he narrowed his eyes coldly.

'it seems this little girl isn't lying, hmmp good I could deal with her quickly If I show her my strength' he thought simply full of delight.

"hmmp little girl, I came here today to challenge you to the city lord position. I don't think you have the qualifications to show off here just because the great clans favored you. Who knows how you managed to get that position? Besides, how can we, the people be assured of leaving our future in a little girl's hands" he said loudly attracting more people intentionally.

At his loud declaration, the entire city quickly gets to know that their city lord is just a little girl.

They were in an uproar, some full of disdain and discontentment at how the five great clans handled this matter.

His words quickly swayed the masses in his favor.

Yu Yue frowned as she keeps her silence.

Patriarch wu thought she was sacred stiff so she continued. "if you're a sensible little girl quickly step down and give me that position. Everyone, don't you agree? I'm so much better than this little girl" he demanded arrogantly full of contempt before glancing at everyone and asking for their opinions.

The people whispered among each other and they then quickly voiced out their unfavorable impression of Yu Yue afterward.

"then how do you want to prove yourself worthy?" Yu Yue asked with a cold smile. She could see through his greed and hypocrisy.

"That's simple, if you dare let's settle this with a duel" patriarch wu replied without any shame.

Although the people were not on Yu Yue's side their faces still reddened at his shamelessness. They didn't say anything though as this stakes their future.

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