CHAPTER 115: What a joke! (1)

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The envoys were all acting arrogant like they owned the place and purposely raised difficult requests with bad intentions.

They also occasionally beat up the servants, they know there are no capable people to lead this city anymore and the great clans even stupe to a low level and push a nobody to be their city lord.

They look down and despise the current hundred-flower city without putting a pretense at all. They didn't know why their city lord would bother entering an alliance with this joke of a city.

If before, they might feel apprehensive about the late city lord but this isn't the case now.

"where's your city lord? How dare he make us wait for him here? Go call him like a dog and obediently get his ass here this instant" young master Chen, the envoy of the rainbow flame city from the Chen clan throws away the poor maid in the wall with a loud bang after choking her breathless.

"What's going on here?" ancestor de hollered, they quickly ran here when they heard a loud bang.

Their men help the poor maid to stand up, she was severely injured with fractured ribs and limp limbs.

The ancestor's face turned ugly at the sight.

Usually, they wouldn't be here dealing insolent ants but now they have no choice as hundred flower city is undergoing a lot of change and they can't afford to be reckless.

"Call out that nobody of a city lord to this young master's front and begs for forgiveness, how dare he make our young master wait for him" an old man which is one of the elders in Chen clan, with foundation establishment level 9 peak stage cultivation sneered.

He feels confident when he detected the ancestors' strength only at level 8 middle stage.

He's feeling delighted that he was even stronger than these clan ancestors, so he can't help but blow his horn.

"right, who does he think he is? He's just a nobody without backing" young master Chen added contemptuously.

The ancestors' blue veins popped, they could hardly suppress themselves from killing these fools.

Before they could say anything, a crisp voice of a young lady sounded like a bell.

"hehehe. Oh, my bad I was late. May young master forgives my bad manners" Yu Yue giggled insincerely as her eyes flashed dangerously.

She knows that the ancestors spread a rumor that they sacrifice their cultivation just to defeat the flower queen last time.

They suppressed their strength from houtian level 2 peak stage cultivation to foundation establishment level 8 middle stage.

She already arrived earlier and she happen to see what just transpired.

She interfered because she didn't want to expose themselves yet, if they do there was a possibility that blue thunder city and rainbow flame city would enter an alliance instead.

The entire place quietened, the elders step back showing a slender young lady's figure wearing a white bear mask followed by a beautiful lady in black with a red bear mask and two cute fluff of balls wrap in a gold high-grade silk scarf.

Young master Chen was bewitched at their slender body and jade white exposed skin, he can't help imagining the face under the mask, but elder Chen broke into a laughing fit. "so this is the so-called city lord? Ahahahahaha what a joke! Are you all that desperate? You all should hang yourselves in a flower" He laughed arrogantly as he wipes the tears from the corner of his eyes.

Xing er's face change darkly as she clenched her chained throwing dagger, but with a sign from Yu Yue, she managed to stop herself. The masks covered her entire face, only showing her beautiful yet aloof eyes.

The ancestors calmed down too, they already talk about it with Yu Yue and they shouldn't expose themselves yet so they watched with cold eyes.

"what? you're the city lord?" Young master Chen recollected himself from a daze as he checks Yu Yue's body up and down with a lascivious eye.

He sneered and blurted without thinking. "Little girl you're still young but you're already a beauty, why don't you just become my serving maid, come with me to..." warm my bed.

He hasn't finished speaking yet but the entire place turned eerily quiet.

Even the ancestors' minds went blank, xing er's eyes narrowed as a ray of light quickly flashed.

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