CHAPTER 20: This is robbery?

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Yu Yue quickly swaggered out of the town excitedly, just nice she needs to test her skills.

The two robbers followed her excitedly as well and thought 'Just nice this stupid girl thought she could run away from us, but she just has to run outside the town'.

"hehe. there's no more help for you once you get out of here stupid girl" the tallest one says as they followed Yu Yue to the deepest part of the bamboo groove. Yu Yue deliberately took a path where seems not a single soul passed in there.

"Really? Why are you guys following me by the way?" she asked with raised brows, although she already guess because even inside the town she could feel their greedy eyes while talking with the others earlier from the tea house just at the front of the inn.

"hmm this is robbery, you should kneel and cry, beg us to let you off." the tallest man said over excitedly at the thought of getting back at her for looking down on them.

"robbery eh?" she said and nodded rather understanding.

"yeah, now hand over your cosmos sack and your jewelry." the shorter man said coldly.

Yu Yue wears a cosmos sack because she likes how it looks and it's cute on her. These guys also didn't know that she has a spacial ring because she's wearing a cosmos sack and her ring is specially designed and crafted for bright moon palace members only. The ring has the bright moon palace insignia to it so it looks like just a piece of ordinary jewelry with a moon and a snowflake embedded at the top.

"oh okay, but before that would big brothers allows me to display my zither skills first? before I part with it I wish to play with it one last time please" she said heart-wrenchingly with a teary-eyed expression.

The two men were stunned and speechless "damn this is robbery you know" the tall guy blurted.

The shorter guy also frowned.

Seeing their reaction Yu Yue acts more shamelessly to convince them.

"Big brother, what's the hurry? This is a very isolated area and I don't think anyone even passes in here. Besides just getting my stuff just like this isn't worth it at all, but since you're at it why not just listen to me play once?" she said meekly with a teary-eyed expression. 

The taller guy paused for a moment but agreed haughtily soon enough. "alright since you're begging this master so much then I'll just forcibly listen to you... hmmp hurry up"

Before the shorter guy could say another word Yu Yue quickly flashed out her snow-white feather zither. She pretended to grab something inside her cosmos sack. But actually, she flashed it out from her spacial ring. She did this because she noticed that not everyone can afford a spacial ring, average people and normal people could only afford cosmos sacks. Just like this two here, she only saw them with cosmos sacks tied on their waist, probably stolen.

She might be targeted again if she shows off her spacial ring. This gives her another round of suspicion about the bright moon palace's origins at the back of her mind.

"Alright, listen well big brothers." Yu Yue smiled harmlessly and started playing the zither elegantly.

The two men were surprised and started enjoying her playing because they could rarely see great beauties with the talent to play elegantly as great as this.

Yu Yue smiled slyly seeing the two men looking hazy. Although the shorter guy has his guard up, he still falls for it because he didn't expect her to have such skills and besides people who use sound attacks are rare. Some people haven't even seen one at all.

After the gentle melody, it started to sound fast and sinister. That's when the two finally noticed the oddity. 'not good' the two said in their minds with endless regret as their minds buzz painfully until they lost consciousness.

Unbeknownst to Yu Yue, a certain lord is watching with a smirk in a distance hiding his presence.

"What a strong mental strength, such great skills. A pity she's such a weakling and can't even materialize a sound blade at all" he sighed in praise or contempt. 

That's what his loyal retainer thought to himself, only his lord knows the answer.

Deep down he too was surprised, somewhat this little girl reminds him of a certain someone from a legend up in the higher realm.  But it's impossible though, that person was said to be dead decades ago.

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