CHAPTER 56: Si xiao xiao's secret

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"you all are lucky that you managed to enter this place directly through the illusion array and didn't enter that fake temple instead" Snow fairy sighed at their good luck.

When she received her inheritance she went through a lot of trouble and she even has to resort to thickening her face to shamelessly trick that old pervert into giving her some benefits as compensation.

She's a little envious of Yu Yue's luck but she quickly gets over it after cursing that old pervert in the ninth heavens.

"What fake temple? what do you mean by that great master?" Si Xiao Xiao asked respectfully.

Snow fairy beamed enjoying the feeling of being revered. 'thankfully she didn't come here alone!' she thought delightfully basking in her glory.

If this little girl came here alone she might reincarnate aggrievedly.

"Ahem--- I bet you guys already have a guess" Snow fairy said as her eyes lingered on Si Xiao Xiao after replying with an air of an expert.

Everyone was stunned and dumbstruck, so that's why nobody managed to get out after entering that ancient ruin.

She smirked at him knowingly as she commented 'interesting' telepathically on Xiao Xiao's mind. 

Si Xiao Xiao's body stiffened but he quickly heaved a sigh of relief noticing that nobody hears it aside from him as he normalized his expression really quickly.

He didn't think this great master could tell at a glance.  Although they just meet it's as if she could see through her secrets. But he didn't want to believe that possibility, so far nobody knows and no one can tell at all.

Despite how she looks she's still a genuine expert in her lifetime and that can't be denied. What they didn't know though, Snow fairy can see through souls.

"but why is there a need to build a fake temple if this place is that hard to enter? Besides how come we managed to enter this place? And how do we leave great master?" Yu Yue asked smiling pretentiously, she already guesses that it was partly because of her but she didn't want to carry a black pot in this life so she decided to try wriggling her way out.

Snow fairy lives for who knows how many hundreds or thousands of years so even though she looks unreliable on the surface she's sharp and she'd seen a lot in her lifetime.

"hmmp... whether you like it or not you have to accept it with both hands" she snorted in disdain at Yu Yue as she eyed her with bad intentions, schemes quickly forming in her mind.

"what are you guys talking about?" Tian Wuxian asked with raised brows. He noticed that this two interact rather weirdly. 

"right, great master what do you mean? I don't get it at all" Yu Yue keeps her act, trying to be innocent as her heart thumps wildly. Somehow she's having a bad feeling just seeing Snow fairy's smile.

She shuddered.

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