CHAPTER 32: Hundred scent restaurant

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Since the day Yu Yue arrived as a guest the atmosphere in de residence is filled with harmony and happiness.

The maids also spoiled little black and little white, Yu Yue can't help sighing when she saw them grow fat.

Yu Yue was treated like a daughter by the De clan which makes little fatty think about the future if his mother gives birth to a daughter.

Although he feels a little aggrieved because it's as if everyone already forgot about his existence so he finds comfort in food.  Deep inside he's also feeling happy for his mother.

This day little fatty dragged Yu Yue outside for a tour around the city, little black and little white didn't come along, she didn't bring them because they were too cute and catchy.

She simply left them with aunt Yao'er and the maids without worry.

Dressed in a pink embroidered flower silk with a simple floral hairpin, she followed little fatty around the bustling street.

At a glance she looks like a pampered young miss, Yu Yue feels a little uncomfortable because she's used to her plain and simple white dress.

Some people can't help but take a few glances at this cute little doll in the busy street.

"Who's that little beauty? Why haven't we heard about her before?" some aunty gossips.

"Right, she looks really pretty and adorable. Which family did she come from?" another aunty asks.

"My cousin works at the de clan's residence as a guard, he said this little miss is their family's guest" a young uncle brags as he pats his chest.

Few people gathered close to him to gossip as well.

"Little fatty, is there something wrong with me today? Why are they all looking at me and talking in small voices" Yu Yue tugged little fatty's clothes from behind.

Although she looks calmed and unruffled like her usual confident and elegant self she's still self-conscious of herself. She wanted to return to little fatty's residence and hide.

"Nothing, it's just that you look much cuter in this dress and this is their first time seeing you around. Usually, girls at your age from great clans and families are rather high profile" little fatty chuckled at her as he told her honestly.

"Oh, I see" Yu Yue blushed a little as she quickly followed him towards hundred scent restaurant.

Since it's lunchtime the entrance is packed with people. But thankfully, the guards let them in without a hitch seeing little fatty's identity he also frequented here so the steward personally lead them to a private room. 

They sat quickly as little fatty ordered their best foods. Their private room was located on the second floor and there was a window facing the street.

Before their butts warmed their seats a series of knocking was heard in their room.

"Little fatty, it's us. You should introduce us to that pretty little sister" a boisterous voice said loudly in excitement.

But before little fatty can say anything the door was quickly pushed open and four young masters with noble air entered the room.

"you all, you still bother asking but didn't care about my opinion at all" little fatty pointed his chubby finger angrily as he snorted. 

"hehe, cousin don't be like that. Wuxian said you would surely say no because you ordered a bunch of good food so we simply invite ourselves in" a youngster who reminds Yu Yue of a high school gangster in movies said with a boisterous laugh as he invite himself over and sat on the available chair.

"Hmmp. You all know that but still entered. How shameless. You all should order and pay for it yourselves. I'll only treat Yu Yue today" he snorted as he crossed his arms haughtily.

"My my. How pretty" a slender youngster with a gorgeous countenance said dramatically as he carried a hand-held mirror admiring his face while his other hand rested on his chin.

He looks at Yu Yue with sparkling eyes and he even winks at her when their eyes meet for a few seconds.

"I won't treat anyone as well so pay for yourselves" another youngster in blue said as he fiddled with an abacus first before calling a waiter for his order.

"You only treat us to a free meal if you invited us yourself Wuxian." a gentle youngster carrying a white fan said while elegantly fanning himself as he coughs weakly.

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