CHAPTER 36: Black forest's oddity (1)

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The next day, a group of youths was happily chatting as they stop upon arriving at the foot of the black forest.

Their sight makes people pause in awe and envy. Although they still have a tint of immaturity it can be seen at a glance that they're a group of extraordinary youth, especially the white dressed cute little lady hugging a black little bear leisurely.

A little fatty is also feeding delightfully a plump white little bear.

The two adorable beasts also caught the attention of many cultivators upon recognition, especially those pampered misses who like cute and adorable spirit pets.

They attracted different kinds of gazes and it's mostly awe and envy.

Some cultivators even gnashed their teeth at them at the sight of two little spirit bears. They can't even get one yet this group has two.

"hmmp, she looks so poor. She must have used her slutty face to get that spirit beast" a young lady with a pink dress with dazzling gold jewelry dangling noisily said in mockery. 

Indeed, comparing Yu Yue's plain white attire with only an inconspicuous ring and a light gold cosmos sack embroidered with snow lotus hanging on her waist, she looks poor in contrast to this young lady's blatant display of wealth. 

She's been asking her parents to find her a bear-type spirit beast too but they haven't found one yet because bear types typically live in cold places like the snowy plane, but it's freezing cold in there so nobody dared to go in deeper but some hunters still managed to caught few beasts when they get near to the snowy plane border.

She might faint in jealousy if she knows this yin-yang pair of beasts make a contract with Yu Yue.

Her face turned sour seeing Yu Yue's appearance and being the only girl around four good-looking young masters.  She's dying of jealousy because this slut just didn't have a beautiful appearance and good-looking companions she also has a spirit bear; what kind of luck does she have?

"Right first miss, she's not even that pretty. She must have done something disgusting in order to obtain that spirit beast" her maid also said in despise as she gnashed her teeth in jealousy as she keep eyeing Hai xingze with love-struck eyes. 

Yu Yue was, of course, oblivious as to what was transpiring between this master and servant in a distance, she looks around and furrowed her brows at the sight.

"Didn't you all keep saying that the black forest is filled with danger?" she raised her brows in confusion as she glances at the people as if saying 'why are these people here?' some of them haven't even reached the Qi condensation stage yet.

"Black forest is a designated place for cultivators who frequently treasure hunt and for experiential learning. Deep inside the forest lurks dangerous creatures and valuable herbs, fruits, and other treasures... unless..."  Tian Wuxian trailed a little excitedly.

"Unless what?" Yu Yue glanced back at him in confusion.

"unless a rare treasure appears" Si Xiao Xiao added with a gentle smile those treasures didn't attract his curiosity at all.

Little fatty and Zhuang Lan also gasp in excitement. If Yu Yue didn't pull them together they would have charged deep inside the forest long ago to look for treasures. 

"Little Yu Yue, aren't you also excited?" little fatty asked in bewilderment as his hands shook excitedly. There are times rare fruits appeared in the black forest and he heard that aside from their heaven-defying benefits, it tastes truly delicious.

Zhuang Lan was also anxious. 'that's a treasure you know, so why aren't they moving fast?' he thought so.

"don't be rash, why do you think these people who came in here first didn't go in yet?" Tian Wuxian smiled meaningfully at little fatty as everyone paused and observe their surroundings. Although the thought of treasures excites him as well he knows there's more to it and he's not blinded by greed, he still has some self-awareness.

Yu Yue silently praised his perception and awareness. They didn't know that someone is also appraising them nearby and nodded their head in approval.

Little fatty and Zhuang Lan were stunned foolishly at the sudden realization as they too look around and notice the tension in the atmosphere.

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