CHAPTER 63: Mythical space

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After sorting himself, he starts acting elegant and graceful as he answered her.

"This is a mythical space" he replied curtly.

"What is that?" Yu Yue asked curiously, she haven't heard such a thing. 

"the mythical space is like spacial rings only it's a god artifact so this is the only one existing in this entire world. Of course, there are space realms but those realms aren't worth mentioning at all compared to this" he explained haughtily.

Yu Yue's face darkened because this is how exactly Snow fairy spoke contemptuously to her before.

"How about you, butler white?" Yu Yue raised her brows, she was having thoughts about this place because it sounds convenient and incredible. Deep inside she's hardly keeping her cool.

"I'm the spirit of this mythical space" butler white proudly says.

Seeing Yu Yue's doubtful and measuring gaze he defended himself. "I'm very strong, but because you're very weak my strength regressed to this level and the space here reduce in size too" he huffed with red eyes at Yu Yue.

Yu Yue's eyes darkened, it was her strength again. She's already very strong now that she advances again compared to her peers yet this little fella looks down on her in contempt.

"hmmp" Yu Yue snorted in annoyance as she messes up with his fur again.

"Stop, stop. Put me down you perverted girl" butler white squawks aggrievedly, he thought this girl would be decent unlike snow fairy but he was wrong. 'looks can be really deceiving' he mourned.

Yu Yue stop after a while and asked about her friends, she almost forgot about them.

"where are my friends by the way?" she asked anxiously.

Seeing her like this butler white answered earnestly. "they're still inside those rooms, they would be out soon. I'll let you know when the time comes" he said in a serious manner seeing how truly she cared for them.

"Oh okay." she sighed a breath of relief.

"Butler white are you a part of the inheritance?" Yu Yue asked doubtfully.

"Hmmp. Of course not, mistress snow found me on her own. Since I can only have a contract with her through her divine consciousness I can't go with her to reincarnate. So when you're receiving the inheritance I was able to establish a contract with you." He explained complacently but not long his eyes changed in a grievance.

"Wait you didn't even notice?" he pouted dejectedly.

Yu Yue laughed sheepishly "that—haha let me check." she said guiltily.

When she checked her divine consciousness she saw a white beady pearl-like object floating around.

"oh that must be it." she said with a brilliant smile as her eyes sparkled in delight. She was just thinking about it earlier but she has no idea she already formed a contract with this mythical space.

She grinned happily like a fool.
Butler white who was watching her shuddered.  This little girl smiled like mistress snow, she must be having bad intentions. He thought fearfully.

His life might not be so peaceful after this; he shouldn't have told her. He regretted it deeply.

When Yu Yue returned to her senses she saw traces of regret and despair in butler white's eyes and she smiled amicably. 'I might be too obvious' she thought with a laugh but was soon shocked speechlessly.

'I can hear your thoughts mistress, you aren't being discreet at all' butler white's voice resounded like thunder on Yu Yue's head and she went blank after that.

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