CHAPTER 105: Appointing (4)

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Yu Yue gave them different black masks, Mo Ling had the devil mask, and Hua Ling has the smiling mask which is ironic with her indifferent expression. Hong mei has the ghost mask, and Feng Chen has the black raven mask.

Their mask represents their rankings and identity in Yu manor so they treasured it very much.

She named each group after her. The shadow guards, the white army, the devil army, the crane maidens, the Hua maids, and the ghost army.

"right aunt, is it okay with you if little Shan Shan becomes my representative?" Yu Yue asked with a smile as she look at little Shan Shan who was in a daze at her words.

"I'd be more than happy miss" lady Shan Shou replied rather excitedly as she quickly shook little Shan Shan back to her daze.

Little Shan Shan quickly bowed like she was in a dream as she thanked Yu Yue.

Following that Yu Yue announced that the leaders should be addressed as lords and ladies of the yu manor. The leaders should select their members from the batch of people and they have to report to her right after. She then authorized the leaders to name their subordinates, passing the surname she bestowed to them.

She quickly washed her hands clean after throwing the hot potato in their hands. Yu ling's mouth twitches at her because he already knows she hates doing things like this even though it's her force. He just sighed in his heart because he already expected it from her, that's one of her reasons too why she centralized their forces this way.

She then leaves a piece of mind-blowing news before leaving, she let Yu Ling announce it because she already told him about it before coming here as she needs to talk to Xing Yi and Xing Er, she also brought little Shan Shan with them.

"The master said, next month we will hold a tournament for the black mask holders, she would be awarding artifacts based on our rankings. The white mask holders will also have a tournament next month to identify their rankings. Those who managed to enter the top rankings would also be given a reward" Yu ling spoke heavily as he eyed everyone with sharp eyes.

Mo ling was thrilled as she pumped her fist in the air excitedly. She likes to fight so much to the point that just a mere mention of the word stirred her blood and fighting spirit. Hua ling was indifferent but hong mei was also filled with excitement. Feng Chen's eyes just flashed profoundly.

Lady Shan Shou shuddered, crying bitter tears in her heart but she wasn't afraid because although her combat ability is weak she was not an empty vase at all.

The others were a little nervous, some were excited, and some are worried.

It took long before they all calmed down and they proceed to select their members, those with bad talent and low fighting strength were directly placed under the others because mo ling was selected first as the devil army would be the main force.

The others didn't object to that. Yu ling also took the children under his wing. Children are the easiest to train in the assassination, besides they are quick to learn and grow.

Yu ling already has 14 children under his wing and now 6 children were added, they were named according to their numbers.

In the end, Yu Ling has a total of 20 people, Mo Ling has a total of 70 people, Hua Ling a total of 25, lady Shan Shou a total of 25, hong mei a total of 44, and Feng Chen a total of 39. Overall, Yu Yue now has a total of 280 people under here.

After that, they quickly leave a few instructions and look for Yu Yue to give their reports.

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