CHAPTER 98: Guardian of the city (2)

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Two days later the entire city shook vigorously and a sudden loud gurgling noise reverberated throughout the entire city.

Yu Yue's heart thumps violently, she had just talked about her bad premonition with her ancestors earlier and this happened so soon.

She put little xi wang inside the space together with all the children as they rushed towards the center of the city where the gurgling sounds came from and also the heart of the intense quaking.

Her heart almost stops beating when they stop at the front of the jade moon pavilion.

"Yu Yue it's bad news!" Si Xiao Xiao said as she saw green vines expanding and crawling all over the city, little purple flowers growing on its vines.

Seeing the purple toxic flowers Yu Yue's heart rang loudly. "get away from that plant, especially its purple flowers. Don't let it touch you." She warned solemnly.

"It's toxic and so powerful at that" Si Xiao Xiao gasped when she saw the juice of the purple flower which is rapidly blooming while expanding its petals corroding the ground. 

"What kind of plant is that?" hai xingze shuddered in horror.

"It's the purple butterwort man-eating flower" as soon as Yu Yue finished her words the rapidly blooming flower is already as big as three meters and when it opened its petals a fragrant yet toxic scent emitted while showing multiple rounds of scissor sharp teeth.

"ahh it has teeth" little fatty shrieked fearfully.

"I thought something sealed under is a hideous monster but this is worst than I imagined" Tian Wuxian's face turned grave as they quickly retreated.

"How did it manage to break the seal though?" hai xingze frowned.

"butler white doesn't know; he only says someone must have freed this flower from its seal" Yu Yue replied hastily dodging the vines.

Not long after many experts noticed the oddity and they came in near to check only to see such a terrifying scene.

Thankfully, the ancestors and their clan elders quickly arrived on the site. They work together to attack the purple butterwort man-eating flower but it quickly regrows its vines and flowers.

"help evacuate the people farther" ancestor tian ordered in urgency at their clan elders as they went beside their grandchildren.

The other ancestors also ordered their clansmen to help.

"YES!" the elders replied and act quickly.

"so it's the purple butterwort man-eating flower, I thought it already died thousands of years ago" ancestor hai said solemnly in recognition.

The ancestors look at each other in the eye as they smiled bitterly. They thought they might be buried in here today, in the city they protected. Though they didn't have regrets because they managed to at least experience the feeling of advancing to the houtian stage.
"ancestor hai you know this plant?" Yu Yue asked in surprise without knowing their thoughts because butler white said that this flower shouldn't exist in this realm, so she was puzzled how did the elders recognize it at a glance.

"It's the guardian beast of hundred flower city, that's why if you all noticed it didn't damage the city but it's after the people. It eats people to nourish itself" ancestor De sighed bitterly in irony. They might lose their lives today to the guardian of the city.

"the queen of all the flowers" elder Tian added.

"then---" Yu Yue has a terrifying guess because she noticed many flowers are blooming all year round in the city. If she's the queen, then she could control those flowers as well.

"Thankfully, it isn't capable of transforming into a human form yet or we would all be finished right away." ancestor Si said sorrowfully.

"though we have to stop it quickly because it would produce many queen flowers at once and we would surely be finished" ancestor Hai added.
Yu Yue and the others were speechless.

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