CHAPTER 97: Guardian of the city (1)

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Once the others saw kids wearing rabbit masks appear, going to the line of people outside following behind little fatty to take orders the others paused for a moment.

Zhuang Lan saw these and he almost squealed and ran toward them because he could tell it was a high-level armament.

Before he could do anything though Tian Wuxian poured him a cup of cold water as he said. "deliver this to table 25 please" he said with a malicious smile.

Zhuang Lan came back from a daze as he puckered his lips and cursed this sly fox in his mind.

Everyone rested on the third floor after they closed the shop, Yu Yue personally made refreshments and food to recover their vigor long ago so they drank and talk with smiles at their success even though they were so tired already.

She decided to buy more slaves, she already send a message to Yu Ling to bring people with him to buy more slaves this time. She decided to quickly expand their forces to other cities as well because her real intention is to have a wide range of information networks so she could do things easily and keep updated. 


While they were basking in their success the city lord and young master zhou aren't idle either as they entered a deal. He would help him have that shop and he would also help him, in turn, to get rid of the five great clans.

Master zhou only knows where that creature was sealed but he didn't know how to get there. That's why he changed his main focus to the city lord to get the details. He just realized even if he managed to get that shop he doesn't have much use for it. he already sneaked in there before and if that map didn't say it was sealed underneath it he might not be able to find it this quickly. However, when he looks around he didn't find any clues at all.

Several months ago a mysterious person handed the blue thunder city's city lord a blueprint of hundred flower city. The reason why nobody dared to conquer the three independent cities rashly is that they have a guardian beast.  They were just sounding out the hundred flower city because it's rumored their guardian beast died thousand years ago.

"city lord, I heard from a legend that your city has a guardian beast sealed underneath. That's why the four great empires didn't dare make a rash move. I come from blue thunder city and my father also mentioned that the city lord is already in control of our city's guardian beast" he smiled slyly as he leads him under his nose.

He saw a flash of excitement on the pretentious city lord so he added doubtfully to test the water. "if you can control that beast you can get rid of the five great clans at once. If you want, I might be able to help you tame it" he bluffed with a wicked smile.

Although the city lord is suspicious he showed his interest, "how did you know of such a matter?" he asked true to his words this time but he didn't know that his simple question gave him away.

Young master zhou sneered contemptuously at him in his heart but he still showed a smile. "don't all the city lord knows of it already; you don't have to pretend anymore" he mused with interest. He wondered how could such a foolish person managed to become a city lord, he didn't even know anything about his city.

The city lord's expression changed, this young master didn't appear to be lying so it must be real. His eyes flashed as he quickly searches around the city lord's residence for clues after young master zhou left.

He didn't know that young master zhou make a detour as he already knows what was going on in his mind because he can be easily read just by looking at his face.

'interesting, I heard the previous city lord died suddenly and his elder son also died suddenly after that' he cackled in a low laugh. 'this city lord must have cheated everyone.'

He could already tell earlier but he didn't show it because this fool is still useful to him. He could reap the fruits of others' hard labor.

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