CHAPTER 41: Demonic beasts appeared (1)

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The mercenary captain explained to everyone and they all gnashed their teeth in anger.

"That Lin clan is truly despicable people" the same member earlier said angrily. 

"Lin clan? Big brothers could they be the city lord's clan members of the rainbow flame city?" little fatty exclaimed.

They all now know what happened after Si Xiao Xiao told them in detail.

"do you know them?" Yu Yue furrowed her brows.

"Rainbow flame city is always at odds with hundred flower city, they're known for their pettiness and arrogant ways" Tian Wuxian spat in contempt. 

Listening to them the mercenary captain's eyes flashed. He already found this group of youngsters extraordinary without doing anything just based on their skills and demeanor.  Now he sees them in another light due to their intelligence and awareness. Especially that young miss.

Although their cultivation was not that extraordinary but given their age they're all talented that they could fight one on one with the spirit beasts in here. Although it's still the outer part the beasts in here are all ferocious.

Though they struggled they still managed to come out unscathed, he's really looking forward to this young miss to act.

Sensing his probing gaze Yu Yue look him in the eye and smiled beautifully.

"Big brother thanks for your help earlier, here's my thank you gift please don't disdain it" she cupped her hands as she went near him and offered a packet of dispelling powder and another packet for luring powder.

"no worries" the captain also returned a warm smile as he accepts her gift with thanks. They occasionally lend them a hand earlier out of goodwill but he didn't expect them to be this courteous.

"big brother we won't be heading further deep inside so you all be careful." Yu Yue said politely as their group was preparing to go on their own but before the team captain could say anything they heard loud roars and the ground shook violently.

Shrieks of horror can also be heard and not long after they saw the lin family with several people missing, running for dear life in their direction, chased by a pack of black shadowy figures with menacing red eyes. They resembled a black wolf that run fast and move agilely.

Everyone's face turned grim as the captain shouted. "RUN FAST EVERYONE!!" He shouted and seeing yu Yue's daze gaze he picks her up and run ahead.

The others also drag little fatty and the rest who was stunned in a daze and run behind following their captain.

Quickly they came back to their minds and run on their own but Yu Yue was still carried like a sack of potatoes by the team captain.

"Why did demonic beasts appear in this area?" one of the mercenary members asked in horror as he panted while running.

They run like there's a fire on their feet as fast as they can. Thankfully they immediately noticed it coming and quickly reacted so they managed to shake off the lin family but there are still demonic beasts chasing after them.

Yu Yue wave her sleeves as she sprinkled packet after packet of dispelling powder but she almost wept into tears, it was not effective at all.

"any dispelling powders won't work on them as long as they smelled blood, they won't be able to stop themselves because blood stimulates their senses and they would lose their sanity." Yu Shutian said as he tightly holds into Yu Yue's body while running fast.

He gasped for breath as they immediately stop and a look of despair and horror flashed on their faces. Yu Yue noticed it immediately and she cursed aloud at the sight. 

"Damnit all!!" she cursed without minding her image, this would have been funny if there was no hungry demonic beast hot on their tails with red menacing eyes.

They almost cried and spat blood looking down at the edge of a cliff unable to see its bottom.

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