CHAPTER 163: City under sieged (4)

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Hearing their shameless words little pie's red eyes reddened even more with anger. She was about to explode and turned berserk but Yu Yue held her hands comfortingly.

"hmmp, I'll see if you have the strength to have designs on my little tear" she snorted dismissively as she also held little tear's hands affectionately. Her meaning is clear, 'if you want him then you have to get through me first'

She was worried the most that this little girl would go berserk, butler white already warned her not to anger this little ancestor. She's afraid that the entire city might just collapse into ruins if this girl gets angry.

Little pie calmed down and she glared at them hatefully.

"hmmp, why are you still here? Get lost already, you're being nosy" city lord yang was provoked so he hollered while sending a palm strike at Yu Yue's head. His patience was gone, he wanted to hit this annoying girl to death with a palm strike.

Before the palm strike could hit Yu Yue's face little black reacted, and he grows bigger and block the attack.

"bam!" with a loud bang the city square was covered with dust, that palm strike was really powerful and vicious.


"city lord!"

However, the envoys from the Jade and Huxian empires were all stunned, and city lord Lin and Yang were also dumbfounded.

"What, this little girl is the city lord of hundred flower city?"

"what a joke!" they exclaimed disbelievingly.

Everyone shouted worriedly, except for Xing Yi and Xing Er who watched from the side coldly. They reacted but they saw little black's actions so they paused in their tracks. They managed to see everything clearly. However, the others didn't see everything so they were worried until the clouds of dust settled and the view cleared.

They saw little black's butt shaking coquettishly as if tickled by the palm strike.

The condescending expression plastered on city lord yang fell as his lips twitch angrily seeing how little black teased him. "turned that annoying beast into a pile of charcoal" he ordered angrily at the blue thunder snake who flick its tongue in disdain at his ancestor's master's foolish descendants.

Butler white was right; they aren't contracted yet. They aren't the original guardian beasts from the legends, they were just keeping their ancestor's promise to protect the cities. This pretentious fool can't even form a contract with him so how dare he ordered him around. Even so, he begrudgingly attacks little black with an electric current generated from its one white horn.

The sky turned dark as blue thunderbolts fell one after the other directly on little black's head directly.

Another round of dust was stirred again, and when it finally settled they saw two giant bears with scarfs wrapped around their heads looking back at them with interest not harmed at all.

Before they could recollect their senses, the attack was reflected again by Little Tear just like earlier.

City lord Yang wasn't as lucky as city lord Lin, he didn't manage to evade all the thunderbolts so he resembled charcoal right now, the blue thunder snake unleashed a vicious attack. It's even more delightful to see that this foolish city lord was electrocuted instead. He always wanted to do this before but he didn't have the chance.

City lord Yang shook violently, as he pointed his charcoal hands to the blue thunder snake maliciously. The adorable white snake covered its eyes with its tail.

"pfft-ahahhahahahaha" Yu Yue couldn't help herself from laughing out loud anymore. She now likes this adorable snake; she even gives him a thumbs-up approvingly.

This scene makes city lord Yang even angrier.

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