CHAPTER 170: Phoenix empire (2)

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Tian Shi was acting like a maid, Yu Yue already told her that she was free to go. However, she stayed stubborn and pledge her loyalty to her. She mostly stayed inside the space and manage to successfully awaken her bloodline, she could transform into her harpy form without pain as long as she wishes.

Butler white wasn't shocked anymore when Wang Ling and Tian Shi were chosen by another celestial armament. Wang Ling has the undead's crown, Tian Shi has the sky zither. Although they were stronger than the rest they didn't have high rankings, they were also black mask holders but their masks were different, it's just black and blank.

Since there are more people in Yu manor now, Yu Yue added a little change to their rankings. Since her force only has six divisions the blank black mask holders can be deployed anywhere. That's why tian shi and wang ling were rather free, little Shan Shan was also promoted and become a blank black mask holder.

Right now they were riding the rainbow crane and were already in the inner area of the black forest, after a week they pass the fake inheritance temple. The rainbow crane flew really fast but they still have to take breaks to recover its energy.

When it saw the space it willingly wants to follow Yu Yue. However, she didn't agree. She told it to form a contract with lady Shan Shou instead. It wasn't willing at first but it then agrees after Yu Yue threatened it. The adorable snake also shamelessly clings to Yu Yue but she also refused it, her subordinates don't have strong contract beasts yet so she can't take them all. The blue thunder snake ends up forming a contract with young master Chang.

It felt aggrieved because it was not satisfied but with Yu Yue's threats, it obediently formed a contract. Aside from looking for the fire dragon grass Yu Yue also want to tame powerful spirit beasts for her people along the way.


Two weeks later they finally landed in the outer area of the black forest near the phoenix empire's border. Even though they were aiming to look low key their faces and demeanors still managed to attract the crowd.

They aren't wearing any masks right now, Yu Yue and lady Shan Shou just look like sisters out for a stroll with a maid and two shadow guards. They came out from the black forest, and after showing their fake identity tokens they entered the border of the phoenix empire. They then went to the nearest town on foot to rest.

The next day they hired a carriage after restocking their supplies and headed towards the northern part of the phoenix empire where they have to travel for two weeks the fastest via carriage.

"missus, are you looking for a carriage? I have one for sale." A boorish man called out amicably when they pass by the streets.

Lady Shan Shou nodded and they followed him, "brother, give us the fastest one." she said as she looks around.

The man smiled and lead them towards an average size yet luxurious carriage pulled by an ink-black beast that looks like a horse but with horns like a deer. "is this the lightning-horned horse?" Yu Yue asked as she looks at them full of awe, she reads about them in the bright moon palace's moon eclipse pavilion before.

Just the thought of that place Yu Yue feels nostalgic, she kind of misses that heavenly place.

"You're quite knowledgeable young miss, is indeed the lightning horned horses" the man smiled even wider as he started his marketing speech.

Lady Shan Shou cut him off after handing him a bag of gold coins, the man smiled gratefully after weighing the bag of gold coins.

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