CHAPTER 194: Phoenix empire's princess (4)

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Huang Xin always dreamed of spreading her wings, like a phoenix soaring to greater heights. But she has to shoulder the responsibilities even at such a young age, her father is a little weak and cowardly, not suitable to run the empire.

It was always been her mother, the empress who runs the empire even today. She, as the only eligible successor was trained from a young age to be like her mother one day. She didn't even have friends as she has no time to do so, and she always feels suffocated at home even though she loves her family.

They have high expectations of her as the next ruler, it's not what she wanted though, she always has the heart to adventure. That's why she run away in here to have some fun, who would have thought she would meet an ambush here?

"clap, clap, clap. You guys are outstanding!" she exclaimed generously. Her eyes sparkled with admiration, and her heart throbbed to be as strong as them.

"let's keep moving." Yu Yue said expressionlessly as she started heading the way they came from. She intends to catch up with the cloud dragon mercenary team. 

Huang Xin was stupefied, this is the first time she applauded someone yet she was ignored. She pouted as she followed them with Little Phoenix.

When she's outside of the palace she's really mischievous and talkative, before she knew it she catches up with Yu Yue and started a conversation. "hey, little sister. Why are you guys wearing masks? Do you guys have hideous faces?" she teased, giggling amusedly.

Yu Yue paused in her tracks as her mouth twitched, she wasn't really in the mood to talk as her mind was wrapped around little Shan Shan. She feels guilty deep inside, she has no idea how should she face her. It's always been gnawing on her heart, how could she be so careless back then and let something bad happen to her people? 

"just for convenience!" Yu Yue replied without looking back. 

"Hey, why are you so anxious? We should at least exchange names" Huang Xin said as she walks past Yu Yue and stood in her front as she proceeded to introduce herself.
"I'm Huang Xin by the way, what's your name?" she said flatteringly.

"Yu Yue" she replied shortly as she sidesteps and walks ahead.

Lady Shan Shou's eyes flashed, she thinks this name sounds familiar. But she didn't say anything and just followed on quietly.

Huang Xin was persistent so it didn't take long for her to make Yu Yue talk and they end up having the same interests. Yu Yue also found this young lady interesting so she quickly gets acquainted with her.

"Yu Yue, your cooking is really good" she squealed in delight while taking a mouthful of bites. They were currently resting and eating, preparing to sleep. Along the way, they also managed to catch up with Yu Shutian's group.

They thought Huang Xin looks familiar but they didn't ponder over it, although Huang Xin is the princess of the phoenix empire Yu Shutian and the group hasn't seen her at all. Besides, the names of royalties can't be mentioned casually in this world to avoid people with bad intentions from misusing their identities.

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