CHAPTER 145: Winning the first round (1)

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Yu Yue went back to observing the scenes in the mirror. Her lips curled into a mesmerizing ark when she saw lady Shan Shou, her tactic was fascinating. She uses her skills and wits instead, not brute strength.

After she cultivated diligently the cultivation manuals Yu Yue gave her, her strength improves by bounds and leaps.

She didn't fight head on, she uses her unique skill and control her enemies.

Whenever she asked them questions they would obediently answer and do as she told them to, she quickly uprooted most of the spies as she already know their locations and identities. This way she even managed to net out those who aren't among the suspects.

With her words she could render the enemy under her mercy for a few minutes then the other crane maidens would deal them a heavy blow.

Lady Shan Shou's crane maidens are rather unique and intelligent, they are the ones with little fighting capabilities but their mental strengths are outstanding. Yu Yue made them cultivate their mental strengths and learn special and unique abilities.

The crane maidens work as a team but they have the highest scores among other forces, this came as a surprise. She was a little worried for them earlier because they don't have strong fighting capabilities but it seems she's just overthinking it. But even so, she did tell Little Pie to watch them closely.

On the other side, Hua Ling's group was also showing great results.

Yu Yue watched her intently because she was curious why Yu Ling called her another crazy maniac. She already saw mo ling and Hong Mei's performance earlier.

Hua ling was currently on her way toward one of the noble families. Her target this time has a bit of a reputation among the city people due to his strong cultivation and unique sword style.

The entire city was already alarmed by their sudden and decisive actions so patriarch Chang already expected it as much.

When he saw Hua Ling striding slowly without any expression he showed a bitter smile.

"cough-- at last, this time finally came, that little girl is really sharp. She would become a great city lord one day" he said with a sad smile as he unsheathed his sword while coughing weakly. He looks really pathetic, he could barely stand up with crutches in his left hand and a sword in his right hand.

When Yu Yue saw his face he was stunned in a daze. 'isn't he the uncle who bet for me to win against patriarch wu before?' she thought having mixed feelings. She couldn't tell at all, when she saw him she even regarded him as an expert with a good and righteous personality.

Even in his crippled state, he's still a proud general so he didn't want to die without a fight.

Hua Ling didn't answer him as her eyes landed on where his heart was located, she didn't say anything as she stared at him intently.

Seeing her like that, patriarch Chang was flustered. "cough! Cough! girl if you could do me a favor before I die, can you let my son go?" he asked dotingly as he glanced at his unconscious son. He smacked him unconscious earlier, he knows him too well and he might lose his life if he interferes.

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