CHAPTER 113: Hot potato (2)

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This time Yu Yue choke, she can't play stupid anymore. "what did you say? How can that be? How about my consent? About the other resident's opinion?" she blurted in a tirade one after another incredulously.

'They must have lost it!' she thought trying to convince herself.

"hmmp" seeing her expression they all put on air while snickering in their hearts, acting like it's non-negotiabe and it's already settled.

"how about the people's opinion?" she mumbled in a small voice trying to stir her hands out of this hot potato.

"hmph. We all agree that you're the city lord, what can they do about it?" they want to question it. if they dare let's see if they have the strength to wag their tongues" ancestor tian snorted in contempt.

"but I'm already too busy with the manor and the shop" she still reasoned in a weak voice.

"don't you already have many capable subordinates?" ancestor si frowned.

"It's not as simple as that......" she then explained her current situation.

"Isn't that just simple" ancestor de snorted.

"Right, you can have the entire city for yourself"

"You'll have more people"

"Besides we would help you too"
"right, right"

The others also echoed each other and Yu Yue pursed her lips. She's speechless.


"so don't worry about it you can start tomorrow" ancestor Zhuang patted his chest.

"..." Yu Yue

"It's not that, ancestors I only want to have people who swear their loyalty to me. If you listened at all in the beginning" she sighed in frustration after they eyed her waiting for a reply.

"I say little girl, aren't you usually very bright? We can just kick those people out of the city if they didn't want to swear their loyalty. This city needs deep cleansing anyways. But first, let's give them time to feel your might. If they aren't convinced until then, just kick them out. See? No big deal at all" ancestor si shrugged his shoulders dismissively.

"..." Yu Yue's mouth twitch speechlessly.

"How about your clansmen? Aren't you guys proud and mighty? We're like families already, I can't possibly keep you guys around. Right?" her eyes twinkled as she reasoned.

She's not lying with that though; she didn't really feel like doing such a thing.

"well, being alive and keeping everyone safe is what matters the most, besides it's good this way so we can be united to face the enemies upfront" Ancestor tian frowned.

"right, we have been just thinking to reform the city into a military one so we can strengthen our defense but we just can't find the most suitable person to lead us" ancestor hai added narrowing his eyes.

"Indeed, the previous city lord wants this too but he didn't see himself in the mirror clearly so he's muddled. Not worth it at all" ancestor de stroke his white beard.

"..." Yu Yue was speechless again. She simply decided to be quiet because every time she reasoned they would bend it to their favor and she was helpless facing five sly and old foxes at once.

"why are you all so confident with me? Aren't I just a kid? I'm not even originally from here, besides I would be leaving this place sooner or later" she added helplessly with a sigh.

She just can't fathom what they see clearly in her, why did they choose her? Don't they have capable people in this city?

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