07 || The Purest Relationship

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Jungkook POV

"You're adorable, you know that?" I ask with a grin.

My fiancé Danbi peers through the glass door of our shower watching me clean myself. She says it is simple curiosity but I know better. I hear her at night.

She points through the glass. "You still have soap on the back of your neck, honey."

"Thank you, baby." I blow her a kiss she pretends to catch. I pretend to not take notice to where her eyes linger while I rinse the remaining bubbles from my body.

"Can you feel it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your.. you know." Danbi presses the tip of her nose to the glass for a closer inspection. "It looks heavy. Does it feel heavy?"

I laugh at her inquisitiveness. "It's just kind of numb when I'm not hard, but it's not really heavy."

"What does it feel like?"

"If you really want to know," I turn off the faucet and wipe a few water droplets from my face "then you should call your partner and feel his."

Danbi frowns. "Why can't I touch yours?"

"Because I know you want to do more than touch, little lady."

Huffing, she turns and storms from the bathroom. I grab my towel to dry off and brush my teeth before grabbing my clothes for the evening to dress.

As I tug on my new black tee shirt, I enter our living room and smile gently at my future wife. Danbi stands beside of the dining room table folding our laundry with a worried look on her beautiful face.

"I already know the answer but I'll ask anyway. Do you have to go to her tonight, Kookie?"

"She hasn't called for me in nearly a month, honey. A part of me believes I did something wrong the last time we were intimate, but another part of me needs to be intimate again. Please try to understand."

Danbi folds her tiny pout into her mouth, narrowing her brows further as well. "I do, but.. it's just.."

I lean down to leave a lingering peck against her temple. "I'm sure your partner would love to hear from you as well." I softly state.

She freezes. Her voice is so quiet, I nearly can't hear her speak. "Why can't you and I just-"

"Danbi.. no. We've been over and over this. You are his the same as he is yours and I bet he would be upset knowing you don't want him."

"But you and I are going to be married in a few months and I would rather give my first time to you!"

Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, I pull her small frame close to my body and leave kisses on her forehead. She sniffles as she holds on to me.

"And what about your partner, sweetie? He is still waiting for you to have his first experience."

"I bet he's not. I've seen the way you turn when you used to pick up my scent. You were barely able to hold it together which I wouldn't have minded if you didn't. I guarantee he is the same way with other women."

I pull back to look into Danbi's teary dark brown eyes. Silently, she still pleads for me to stay with her, to share the experience with her which she knows is against the rules.

Our partners are our partners for one reason and one reason only. If they are unable to serve their purpose, they become obsolete and the whole system breaks down.

"He is wired to pick up scents, but yours is the one he is wired to desire over any other woman. I know how pleasant you smell to me; I can only imagine how absolutely delectable you smell to him."

Danbi's hands slip under my shirt and caress my stomach. A chill runs through me when her hands move upwards and her fingertips brush against my nipples.

Rising to her toes, she leans in with a kiss. I struggle to keep it innocent especially when her hands shift direction and she ends up palming my length through my jeans.

"Baby, stop. You know we can't."

Tugging gently on my bottom lip with her teeth, she sighs back "Only because you stop us every time."

My eyes flutter at the way her hand strokes over my swell. "If you're this needy, you should go to him. He can sense your desire rising and it is his duty to satisfy you."

"I'd rather have you satisfy me, Kookie."

It breaks my heart to deny Danbi anything. Everything about her is so sweet and innocent; from the way her long silken brown locks frame her small youthful face to the big sad puppy eyes she gives when my partner or my succour call for me pull at my heartstrings.

Our entire relationship has only been of the purest kind of love and I want to change nothing of that. Recently, however, Danbi's libido has ramped up at least triple what it was when we met.

I enjoy kissing Danbi without a doubt, but the past few months she has tried and tried to get into my pants multiple times while our lips are pressed together. The smell of her arousal grows stronger the longer our kissing lasts and in the back of my mind I am concerned one day I won't be able to tell her no.

Danbi's partner needs to satisfy her just as much as she needs to be satisfied by him. As soon as her urges increased, it was easy to talk her into meeting with him. She hasn't discussed anything that happened only what didn't happen and that is there was no sex of any kind involved.

I had to sleep on the sofa afterwards for what seemed like weeks. It wasn't because I was forced, but because Danbi was ovulating and she masturbated every single night to ease her pain. Her scent caused me to chew through the sofa pillows.

"He has to learn your body just as I would if we were to do something like that. Why are you so against going to him?"

"Because I love you and I want these memorable experiences with only you." Danbi pouts.

I snuggle my face into the crook of her neck. "Wanna know a secret?"

Stroking my hair, she answers with a soft "Hm?"

"I am not a gentle partner and neither will you be once you and he connect, but you have to build each other up to that. I couldn't live with myself if I gave in to your advances and hurt your body in that way."

I feel her hand caress my thigh and head towards my zipper again.

Standing, I move away from Danbi grabbing my keys and cellphone on the way to the front door. "You should meet with your partner. I bet he would enjoy hearing.. from.. you.."

My words slow when I turn to see Danbi's dress in a puddle at her feet and she is now in only her cotton bra and panties. Still shy about her small chest and wide hips, her hands aren't sure whether to cover her pert breasts or her bottom half.

"Please, Kookie. Have me."

"Baby, noo.." I rush to her lifting her sundress to cover her body. "Go to him. You need him for this. Not me."

Tears fall from Danbi's eyes. I wrap my arms around her.

"I'm scared of him, Kookie."

"You don't have to be, sweetheart. He will move at whatever speed is comfortable for you because that is what he is wired to do. He won't hurt you. He can't."

"He probably doesn't even remember meeting me."

"Of course he does. Your scent will always tell him you are his."


a/n: any guesses as to who Danbi's partner could be?

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