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Jimin POV

I stare at Jova slackjawed. "You want me to put my fingers where?"

She frowns at me, dropping her foot from the toilet lid. "Inside of me. I can't get my diaphragm out and I've been struggling for hours."

My mouth remains open as I blink unbelievably at her.

"Oh, come on! It's not that big of a deal, Jimin! You've felt my pussy before!"

Dry mouth is a bitch. "You said that was a one time thing."

"It was, but this is an emergency. I'm not supposed to leave it in for as long as it's been in and I'm kind of panicking right now."

"Why not ask to use your partner's or your boyfriend's.." I wiggle my fingers "..hands?"

"I no longer have a partner, but if I did he would take him removing my contraception as an invite to seed me."

Jova sighs and crosses her arms looking away almost as if she's embarrassed. "And my boyfriend has never touched me that way."

"Haven't you two been together for nearly a decade? And he's never touched you?"

"Twelve years actually and until recently he'd never even seen me shirtless. Well, unless you count the time he couldn't get his hormones under control and the little pervert spied on me changing."

I don't exactly know what to say to Jova's revelation, but I have lots of questions. I ask the most obvious.

"What happened to your partner?"

"He connected with another woman just as I always knew he would. No more questions about that please."

I can tell the situation is difficult for her to discuss so I let it go until she wants to come to me. Judging by the moisture building in the corners of her eyes, I may be waiting a while.

Then Jova does what she does best; she shrugs away her hurt and continues with the matter at hand.

Wrapping her arms around my waist and burying her face in my chest, she pleads "Please, Jimin. If it makes you this uncomfortable, I'll ask my boyfriend to do it if it gets stuck again. Hopefully it never will, but I really need this thing out of me."

I can feel her emotions and she is indeed scared. "Okay. Just.. guide me through what I'm supposed to do. Make sure to talk to me like I'm a grown man who is only touching a woman's vagina for the second time in his life."

"Third if you count birth." She's such a smart-ass.

Narrowing my eyes, I reply "I was a Caesarean."

"Fabulous." Jova lifts her foot back to the toilet lid. "Now, wash your hands and get in my pussy."

"You are disturbing, Jo."

After washing my hands, she guides my digits where she needs them to be to remove her diaphragm. She tells me to close my eyes and follow her direction with my sense of touch.

As soon as I feel my finger hook the lip of her diaphragm, I make the mistake of opening my lids from the excitement. Here I stand, my sight just inches from my succour, and two knuckles deep in her body.

I am about ninety-nine percent sure I have a bird's eye view of Jova's sex face. Her eyelids hang low and her recently moistened lips are only slightly parted as if she was caught mid-moan. It's honestly kind of hot.

The device slips the rest of the way from her body with ease.. and a gooey sound.

I swallow thickly. "It's-it's out, Jo."

"Mmhm." She swallows too. "Thank you."

We stare at each other for a wordless minute. There is a pull between us, not in a sexual way but in a bonding way. As ridiculous as the situation may have been, this experience strengthened our tether.

"Shower with me before bed?" She asks finally breaking her gaze.


Our shower is mostly silent; we enjoy just being near each other. Jova and I wash each other intermittently pausing for embraces that relax our souls under the warmth of the shower head.

We again climb into bed naked, and Jova presses her chest to my back. I like the way her heartbeat through her warm skin calms my own to the point they beat in sync.

"My partner will never have me, Jo. What have I done so wrong that I don't deserve a significant other or a partner?"

"Your significant other was a bitch, first of all. She was supposed to love you no matter what. Her unmated friends decided she was too good for you and look at where she is now."


Jova raises her head from the back of my neck. "Who gives a damn? She's the loser in this situation. You are amazing and soon you will have someone else recognize that."

"I doubt my partner will ever see me that way. I would love to hear the way it sounds when she calls on me for the first time."

She returns her face to my neck. With a yawn, she says "Give her time. I'm sure she will call on you and you finally-"

My phone interrupts Jova's sentence. Scooting to the edge of her bed, I grab the device from the side table and nearly jump out of my skin.

"It's her. I mean it's an unknown number but I feel her."

"Answer the damn phone before she hangs up, Jimin."

I fumble at first but make a quick comeback. "Hello?"

"Is this Danbi's partner?" A male voice questions.

"I.. uh.. yes?"

"I am Danbi's fiancé. I know this is awkward calling you like this, but.. Danbi.." He pauses.

My heart races. "She needs me, doesn't she?"

"Yeah. She told me she ran into you, but nothing happened. Right now, she's a bit.. unruly. She needs something to happen soon between the two of you."

Jova shifts closer to press her chest against my back for comfort.

"That isn't her. It's me she's feeling that is making her act out of character."

"Which only proves how much she is in need. I have talked Danbi into a late night ice cream run. If I tell you where, can you meet us.. her?"

I don't know this man, but he sounds so concerned for Danbi.. or for himself.

"Did she call for you? That's why you're calling me now?"

"Please connect with her. We'll be at Goody Two Spoons on Peeching. Please come." The line disconnects.

I gaze blankly at my phone. Danbi doesn't want to connect with me, that much is obvious, but her fiancé indirectly implied that his will to refuse her is weakening.

"Go to her." Jova's melodic voice breaks into my thoughts. "Make the connection."

"And if she runs from me again? Then what? I'm not sure I can face another rejection."

"She won't reject you this time. And in the off chance she does, take my house key to let yourself in next time."

Jova chews the inside of her cheek for a moment before adding "Maybe it would beneficial to both of us if you just kept my spare key, Jimin."


a/n: how are we feeling about the tethering between Jimin and Jova? and do you think Danbi will run from Jimin again?

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