62 || Super-Mega-Ultra

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Danbi POV

"No! Fuck you, Jimin! Fifteen years! FIFTEEN FUCKING YEARS of being there for you every fucking day and you drop me for a piece of pussy!"

The commotion of a woman yelling wakes me from much needed sleep. Slowly rising to sitting, I rub the sleep from my eyes with a heavy yawn before stretching my arms above my head.

"Please calm down!" I hear my Jimin's panicked voice reply to the angry female.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down! Do you have ANY idea.." Her voice trails off as it lowers to complete her statement.

The arguing continues though muffled now by the lowering of their voices and the door that separates us. I slip from Jimin's warm bed and grab his shirt from the chair in the corner of his bedroom tugging it over my head before inching close to the door.

"No! Get the fuck away from me!"

Very carefully I turn the knob so as not to make any noise. A sliver of light from the living room seeps into the darkness where I stand hidden.

Jimin is in only sweat pants pleading his side to the livid woman with blue streaks in her hair. Her face is puffy and red; lines in her makeup over her cheeks tell the exact path her tears take.

Her breathing is erratic. I don't know what happened between the two of them, but it has affected her greatly and I worry she could possibly pass out from lack of oxygen.

"Jo, please! I beg you to understand! Please see this from my side!" Jimin holds both of his hands out to reach for the woman, but she slaps him away.

"You can't be fucking serious right now!" She sarcastically laughs. "What about me, Jimin? What about seeing this from my side? I need you right now for probably only the second time in our lives and you tell me you're busy?! All because your fucking partner is laid up in your bed?!"

"She's more than a partner to me!" Jimin covers his mouth with an expression on his face that reveals he said too much.

"What is she to you then?"

"I don't know what to call her, but the way I feel when I look at her.. when I'm near her.. when I touch her.." he lays both hands over his face.

The woman sniffs. "So you've given her my place in your trifecta?"

Jimin hesitates for a moment before he replies. "I didn't intend to. I'd never thought about it, but after Danbi and I connected for the first time something in me changed."

"What does that even mean?"

"I'd been feeling your emotions about your boyfriend and your partn-"

"Don't you dare finish that word!" She blasts at him.

"Your.. ex.." Jimin doesn't finish the word. "When Danbi and I finally connected, I stopped feeling you to the same extent. Instead, I started feeling her emotions at that exact moment. At first, I thought it may have just been because of what we were doing, but I began to feel her more and more and I could even feel her when she was asleep."

The woman gulps, her demeanor slumping slightly. She blinks a few times staring at Jimin wordlessly.

"So then.. what you are telling me is that the fates decided we shouldn't be tethered anymore?"

"I don't know that for sure. I just know that you are highly upset with every right to be, but I can't feel how upset you are right now."

I gasp quietly from the crack in the door. I turn to look for my cellphone, finding it at Jimin's bedside plugged in to the charger.

..but I still want you // OT7 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now