35 || Ice Cream, Kookie?

270 24 50

JIMIN & DANBI (with Jungkook)

Danbi POV

"Which flavor would you like, sweetie?" Kookie asks as he stares at the ice cream shop's menu with a relaxed smile on his face.

My body aches with a need so strong I could take my fiancé right here on one of these adorable little tables. Every inch of my skin is covered in residual chills from the way it felt to be so close to Kookie earlier on our sofa.

"I changed my mind. My tummy is really queasy. Can we please go back home?"

He looks down to me with those big brown eyes I love so much. "But we only just got here and all of these flavors look really yummy. Have just a scoop with me and then we'll go home."

"Just one?"

"Just one." Kookie smiles.

My loins quiver with the sight of his beautiful face. "Promise?"

He leaves a peck on the top of my head. "I promise."

I nod when I really want to say no.

"Great! You go grab us a seat and I'm going to run to the restroom then grab our ice cream on the way back. Sound good?"

Not honestly.

"Okay. Hurry please." I watch Kookie make his way to the back of the ice cream shop before I turn to sit at one of the nearby tables.

I truly thought that Kookie would have me earlier tonight. We were so close to making it happen when he suddenly blurted out 'ICE CREAM!'. I didn't understand until he explained he had a sudden craving for ice cream and that it was kind of a habit to eat some before doing the naughty with his partner.

It really made no sense to me, but I figured if it helped to get things moving further between us, I would give it a shot. He dressed quickly to leave the house and I didn't want to risk losing him another night to someone else so I threw on a pair of sweatpants and a long tee shirt over my nightie to tag along.

I shaved my lady area completely bald when I came home from the mall. The nightie's teeny panties are very soft on my sensitive skin, but my lady parts aren't used to feeling so much of everything without some type of cushion. I drop my sight to the table with a blush creeping over my cheeks.

In short, I have a mess in my sweatpants. I've tried to be as still as possible but every single movement is felt against my little exposed bundle of nerves.

And the throb inside is horrendous. I can't wait to get this ice cream deal over with so that my Kookie can relieve me of this agony. I make a mental note to keep ice cream on hand in the future so that we don't have this issue next time.

A small cup of ice cream is slid across the table into my line of vision. The hand that releases the cup doesn't look like my Kookie's hand.

I follow the fingers up to the wrist and forearm pausing when I reach his chest; the logo on the front of this man's blue shirt causes alarm. My Kookie wasn't wearing a shirt like this when we left our apartment.

"Why are you here, Jimin?" I growl through gritted teeth.

Jimin's tone is gentle and quiet. "I am here because you need me, Danbi, just as much as I need you. Let's help each other."

"I don't need you to help me. Leave me alone."

"The fates chose us for each other, and I know you can feel the beginnings of our connection. Your body is craving satisfaction, a release so grand and earth shattering your pulse quickens when we are near each other. Your body reacts to my presence."

..but I still want you // OT7 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now