06 || Rolling The Stone

554 36 53


Taehyung POV

"Lucy! I'm home!" I say jokingly as I enter the house after work. The delicious aroma of dinner leads me directly to the kitchen where my wife Tram Anh stands in front of the stove stirring something in a pot.

"Welcome home, honey." Tram Anh puckers her lips awaiting a kiss.

I skate up behind her laying one hand against her small tummy before savoring her kisses. "Something smells amazing. How was your day?"

She smiles softly. "It was good until I tasted your partner's juices."

I lick my lips. Yep, that's definitely Jetta.

"She called on you for lunch again, didn't she?"

"Yeah. She has a business trip coming up that will take her out of town for a few days. I'm sorry, baby."

"Comes with the territory. I'm sure you tasted my partner on my lips before as well."

I gag at the memory. "I don't want to think about another man's cum in your mouth, please and thank you.. but since you brought him up.."

Tram Anh turns away from my gaze.

"He needs to know he's going to be a father, Tram Anh."

She sighs. "I know he does, Taehyung, and I will tell him eventually."

Leaning against the counter so that I am able to see Tram Anh's face, I caress her belly. "You need to tell him soon so he and his significant other can prepare. Didn't you say he was married too?"

"Engaged. The last time he and I were together, he told me he was still trying to talk his fiancé into calling on her partner for the first time since they were paired over a year ago."

"New partner?" I inquire dipping my pinkie into the sauce to sneak a taste.

"First partner. She's never connected with anyone."

"Wow! A year and she's never called on him once? Poor guy." I sneak another taste.

"Stop it! You're going to eat all of the sauce!" She laughs, swatting at my arm.

Tram Anh and I enjoy our dinner and then cuddle on the sofa to watch our regular Wednesday shows. Our conversation is random for a while until I decide to bring up an old topic yet again.

"You should call on him, T. It's been over a month."

"I know how long it's been." She shifts in my arms.

"I know you've needed him."

"All I've needed was nausea medicine and sleep because growing a whole person in my womb is exhausting."

"Why are you so scared to tell him? I'm curious as to why you are shaking in your fuzzy socks over telling your partner you are carrying his child. I mean, it's not like he didn't realize your scent was off the last time you were together."

"I told him I started birth control." She admits standing to walk towards the bathroom.

I follow her.

"So you lied to him? Is that what you are saying?"

She closes the door in my face but continues the conversation. "I wasn't lying. I'd had my exam and my pills and all I was waiting for was my period that never showed up."

"He knows something is wrong, T. You guys fuck like bunnies for months and then you drop him cold turkey? One hundred percent he knows there's something."

The door opens with the sound of the toilet flushing. "Bunnies? Like you and your partner only get together to pray."

"It is a given that one if not the both of us will end up on our knees at some point when we are together, but our sex life isn't the subject at hand!"

"I vomit too much to have sex right now, Taehyung. I am not trying to be in the middle of things and throw up in his hair or on his feet or something."

Tram Anh places one hand over her forehead and the other on her hip. "He has really nice hair."

"How much longer does the nausea last?"

"I don't know. My doctor told me today that it should ease up soon. I am thirteen weeks along."

"I like your baby bump." I brush her hair away from her face and place it behind her ear. "It's cute."

"You need to shower, Taehyung. No way you're sleeping in my bed with her juices all over you."

My grin at Tram Anh takes over my entire face. "Shower with me? We haven't done that in a while."

She has the audacity to laugh and say "Well, that's one way to make sure you get properly clean!"

Tram Anh does indeed scrub me clean. Deep down, a part of me was rather sad to not have Jetta's essence smeared anywhere on my skin.

I brush her damp hair as she brushes her teeth in front of the sink. Usually she pays closer attention to her dental hygiene, but the way her eyes roam around the basin and tiles tells me her mind is otherwise occupied.

"Call on him and tell him, T. Don't drag this out any longer."

She spits her toothpaste into the sink. "He may expect sex."

"And you don't miss getting it on?"

"I mean I do, but throwing up in front of him would be embarrassing. If I did it on him, I would be mortified."

"I'm sure he would forgive you easily." I caress her bump. "You have a good excuse for being nauseous."

"I hope he's not going to be too upset." Tram Anh leans over to rinse out her mouth and then pats her lips against her hand towel.

"Had you not talked about it with him before?"

"Back before he and his fiancé were engaged. He wanted to wait until he was married to have children." She turns to wrap her arms around my waist. "I don't want to talk about this anymore. Can we just cuddle in bed now?"

With my nod, we share a sweet kiss and walk hand in hand to our bedroom. After we wrap comfortably around each other, we share a few more pecks before closing our eyes.

"Have you and your partner talked about children yet?"

My eyes shoot open remembering Jetta's scent and the throb between my thighs returns. "She doesn't want to be pregnant and I am fine with that."

"Will you ever make us parents, Taehyung?" She somberly asks.

"Maybe one day, but not soon." I take a second to think about how sad Tram Anh sounded when asking so I question "Do you want children right now, sweetheart?"

"I don't know. It kind of feels weird knowing that I'm carrying a child I'll never meet."

"Do you want to meet the baby after it's born?"

Tram Anh is silent and still. When she doesn't reply, I open my mouth to speak but I am interrupted by her sobs.

"Taehyung, I.." She curls closer to me burying her face into my chest.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm sure your partner will let you meet the child after you've given birth."

"I don't want to meet the baby. I want to keep this child for you and me."


a/n: any guesses about who could be Tram Anh's partner?

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