18 || Premature Revelation

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Seokjin POV

Piya is so sexy as she softly moans each time I sink myself fully into her. She rolls her hips, gently grinding herself onto my dick while squeezing my shoulders for support.

My lips brush against her collarbone on the way to her shoulder where they come to rest near my fingers. I carefully urge her body downwards and spread her more allowing me delve deeper.

Her moans increase. She vocally fumbles out my nickname.

"Ji-Jin.. mm.. Jinnie.."

I pinch my eyes shut. I literally couldn't get any closer to Piya if I tried and still her internal calls are so faint. Attempting my best to focus on her voice, I find myself imagining that it is Dykema currently straddling my waist.

Dykema's long arms securely holding my body.

Dykema's beautiful deep brown skin against my lips.

Dykema's sultry voice whimpering so close to my ear.

Dykema's essence lubricating my length.

"Oh my.. fuuuck!" I groan out as I cum quicker than I intended.

Piya's movements slow to a stop. Her breathing gradually calms before I feel her stare into my closed eyes.

I open them but keep my gaze low and between us. I can't bring myself to look at Piya's disappointed face yet.

"It has been a while, I suppose." She reasons lifting herself from me.

Folding my lips into my mouth, I see Piya through my peripheral grab her robe and head to the restroom. I don't move.

I can't move.

I feel like an asshole. My partner has waited on me to answer her call for weeks and when I finally do, I cum quick to fantasies of my girlfriend.

"I'm sorry." I squeak when she enters the room again.

"It happens, I'm sure. It's just been a while for us so I can understand."

Hanging my head in embarrassment, I carefully remove my overly filled condom. I've never cum this much with my partner and I really want to apologize for not thinking about Piya while inside of Piya's body.

"Hey.." She coos, rubbing my shoulder with one hand while wiping my cheek with the other. "Don't cry. Like I said, I understand."

Finally looking into her blue eyes, I realize I am indeed crying. It is difficult to decipher her expression through the tears, but her voice is filled with concern.

"I didn't satisfy you. We haven't connected in so long and when we finally did, I didn't do what I was supposed to do and I'm so sorry, Piya."

"Make it up to me on round two?" She smiles.

"You still want me? After.. that?"

Piya frowns curiously. "Why wouldn't I want you? That's an odd question, Seokjin."

I don't reply.

"Do you not want me anymore? Is that why you're asking?"

"No! Of-of course I do!"

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Piya covers herself as much as she can with her robe. She looks down at her fingers tugging the satin material over her frame.

"Do you not find me attractive anymore, Seokjin?"

"No, Piya! You are incredibly attractive!"

"I didn't ask if I was attractive in general. I asked if you found me attractive. You, specifically."

Sniffling, I reply "I do find you attractive. I always have."

She thinks for a moment continuing to clutch her robe. "That wasn't me, was it?"

I pull the blanket up to my chest without responding.

"You weren't thinking of me when you came, were you?"

My breathy words don't hold much weight. "Of course I was. Don't be ridiculous! Who else would I be thinking of while connecting with you?"

"I don't know which is why I'm asking."

The way Piya stares at me makes me so nervous. I gulp and look away to the end of the bed.

"Have you had her yet?"

Shocked, I stare wide eyed at my partner. "What? Who?"

"The woman you just got off to the thought of. I'm not stupid, Jin. Give me some credit."

"I don't know who-" I stop speaking at Piya's glare.

"Have you?"

"No.. but I won't do that to you. The fates paired us for a reason and it is wrong to go against that."

"It is wrong, but it does happen anyway. I felt the way you put more effort into your thrusts when you closed your eyes and imagined whoever she is. Your hands and your mouth touched me in a way you haven't been in months. It's like we don't connect anymore and it's just sex."

"I'm sorry for disappointing you. I'm so very, very sorry."

She tugs her robe tighter around her body and faces away from me. "Do you still hear when I call for you?"

"Yes." Sort of.

"Please don't lie."

"I'm not." Kind of.

She sighs. "Then why are you still in my bed?"


"I just used my call to tell you to go to this woman and not come back until you figure out if I am the woman you want to share your bed. You're still naked between my sheets unmoved by my call."

I fib. "Because I don't want to go. I want to be here with you."

"Seokjin, please! No more lies! You can't hear me anymore, can you?"

"I can hear you! It's just.." I exhale and pinch my eyes shut. "You aren't as clear as you used to be and I don't know why."

Piya hangs her head. Her blonde curls fall over her shoulders to cover her face. "Because you are listening for her call. You want her to call for you so greatly, you have stopped listening for me."

I don't know what to say. She isn't wrong though. I spend the better part of my day at photo shoots wondering why Dykema calls for me so loudly in her sleep, but when she is awake I don't hear her at all. In fact, she doesn't seem interested in me that way.

"You want to break our connection, don't you? You want to connect with this other woman if she allows it? Am I correct?"

"Piya, I don't-" I begin to speak and reach for her hand.

She moves it away.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. You can't help the way you feel, Seokjin." Piya stands from the bed tightening her robe. The way she adjusts the material makes it appear that she has already decided I am going to break away so I shouldn't see her in such a state.

"I have never wanted another woman to call for me since the first day I heard you. I swear it, but.." My bottom lip quivers as I start to cry again.

My eyes meet my partner's as I confess to her what I haven't even been able to admit to myself. "My girlfriend.. there's something different about her. If she ever once told me to take her, I can't say I would tell her no."


a/n: cheat sheet posted next! 💜

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