08 || Connecting Again For The First Time

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Danbi POV

"Just a minute!"

His voice sounds deeper than I last remember. Granted, it has been nearly a year since we met, but even then Jimin was still a fully grown adult man. His voice shouldn't still be changing.

I am terrified to see him again. Usually some type of sexual act is expected when you call on your partner even from the first meeting, but Jimin and I had a very peculiar initial encounter.

One year ago, I asked for us to meet at a small café which confused him at first until I explained I would prefer to talk to him in a neutral setting before things progressed. It didn't take much convincing as he agreed relatively quickly.

Jimin is attractive in an 'of age' boy-next-door type of way. His dark hair lay draped over his forehead and his eyes would smile along with his mouth causing his round cheeks to puff out. Nothing about him said "sexual partner".

I recall him being kind to our waitress and to an older gentleman seated alone at a nearby table. He has a good heart and I like that about him.

As we talked to get to know more of each other, Jimin's features seemed to change right before my eyes. I thought my eyes may have been playing tricks on me, but I was near certain his dark eyes lightened at least three shades.

His lips seemed fuller as well. Not that they were thin to begin with, but I think they filled out just a bit more. I couldn't stop watching the tip of his tongue trace a line between the two.

I've never known anyone to change in such a way in front of another person and it scared me to the point I rushed from the café. I haven't seen or spoken to Jimin since.

"Yes..?" Jimin says swinging the door wide not really processing who is standing in front of him for a moment. The second he does, his eyes enlarge.

They are still the shade I remember from that day.

"Hi, Jimin. Uhm, I'm sorry to-"

"You came." His breathy words match the heavy rise and fall of his chest.

"If you're busy, I can go." I turn to leave but am stopped when his hand holds mine.

"Please stay, Danbi."

Our stares meet. Neither of us speak for a few seconds while we examine each other's faces.

Jimin has changed. His body is more streamlined; his jawline has sharpened and his arms and thighs look muscular under his white v-neck shirt and black ripped jeans. I do enjoy this new look.

His Adam's apple makes an anxious bob or two as he waits for me to follow his gentle tug. I oblige.

"I can't believe you're here." He says gently, closing the door behind me.

"My fiancé thought I should, uhm.." I hang my head embarrassed to finish my statement.

Jimin nods in agreement with words unspoken. "I know. I felt it."

I feel my cheeks flush red.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, Danbi. I am supposed to know your body."

"But we haven't.. done it yet. How would you know what I was feeling?"

He waves his hand to the sofa motioning me to have a seat. "We spent time together face to face. Our bodies tuned in to each other."

Taking a seat near the edge of the sofa cushion, I question "But doesn't that only happen once we have made things.. have sealed the deal?"

"How do you feel about my current appearance?"

..but I still want you // OT7 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now