64 || Pinky Promises

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Seokjin POV

Danbi happily swings her legs as we sit on a wooden bench watching several children play. It is a beautiful day just before lunch time, so the park isn't yet crowded with office workers trying to escape the confines of their cubicles for just an hour break.

On one outward swing, Danbi's adorable little open-toe sandal slips off of her foot and lands a few feet away. She giggles cutely.

"Oopsie!" Danbi hops, literally hops, up from her seat to grab her shoe, scooting it on as she walks back. Her smile remains wide the entire time.

"It's good to see you so happy, Bibi. I'm happy for you." My sentiment is forced.

The corners of her mouth slowly fall. "I'm sorry for breaking our tether, Jin. I didn't mean to do it."

"I know you didn't."

"I still don't really understand how it all happened, but a part of me is overjoyed to have only one man for all of my needs for the rest of my life."

She scrunches her face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"It's fine. Really. You always talked about monogamy and now look at you. You're beaming with elation. Happy definitely looks good on you."

I nod to her dress with a soft smile. "And that color looks good on you too."

Danbi brushes her hands down the light blue material covering her thighs. Her grin returns with a vengeance as she speaks.

"Thank you. Blue is my Jiminie's favorite color."

"You dress up for him often?"

She shakes her head from side to side. "No. He rarely ever sees me in clothes and-" She claps her hands over her mouth and her cheeks blush bright red.

I laugh. "It's okay. You don't have to be shy about connecting with your partner. Everyone does it."

She cautiously removes her hands. "I can't believe that I get to.." Danbi leans close to whisper in my ear "..connect with him so often. I mean, it's really, really often, Jin."


"And he loves my body just the way that it is. I've always been so self conscious of the way I look, but my Jiminie loves every tiny inch and broad curve of me."

I hold her hand in mine. "That's beautiful, Bibi. I noticed that your dress does cling to your shape a bit more that it used to. I assume Jimin is to thank for that."

She giggles. "Yeah. He's amazing. Everything about him is amazing."

I am honestly glad to see Danbi so punch drunk in love again. I haven't seen her this happy since before she met her partner for the first time; the difference is that now her love is for her partner and her fiancé is her ex.

"How are you handling things?" She squeezes my hand.

"Just.. taking it one day at a time. That's all I can do."

Danbi watches me for a moment. "How are things with your girlfriend?"

"Fine." I swallow.

"I know I can't feel your emotions anymore, but I can still tell when you are lying to me, Seokjin. How are things really?"

"She, uh.. she spends a lot of time with her partner. It's understandable. She's never connected with anyone before him and he hasn't been tethered for over a year, so it's all still very new for them. They should enjoy their time together.. alone.. in her apartment.. in bed.."

..but I still want you // OT7 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now