21 || Here With You

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Yoongi POV

"Welcome home." I grumble from the living room sofa before smashing another chip into my angry mouth.

Jova doesn't look at me as she makes her way to the refrigerator for a drink. "I never thought he'd fall asleep! I swear, sometimes he's like having a grown ass baby!"

I've been sitting on Jova's sofa by myself all evening. What started as a "be right back" when she received a text from her succour turned into an "on my way soon" text to me once at his house and then a "just a few more minutes" three hours later.

It's been five fucking hours.

I am beyond livid that another one of my trifecta mates has been lured away by their succour. Jova looks like she's been rolling around in bed and if I squint my eyes I am able to see through her tee shirt.

I don't like it.

"What in the fuck are you wearing, Jo?"

She enters the living room taking a sip of her soda. "What? I just went to put my succour to bed. I didn't feel the need to dress up."

"You're in pajamas. You never leave the house in pajamas."

"Well, I was laying in his bed so I thought-"

Why does this piss me off so much?

"Why in the fuck were you laying in his bed, Jova?"

"Why are you so angry, Yoongi? He is going through a lot right now and needs comforting. It was either go over to his apartment and put him to bed there or send you home and let him sleep with me here again."

"I don't like him sleeping in our bed. Make him stay home."

Jova smirks at me, sashaying over to the sofa. She fake pouts and uses her baby voice as she says "Is my widdle Yoongles Woongles big mad?"

"Stop that." She's so damn cute when she does that but now is not the time. I want to be angry.

She pinches my chip filled cheeks as she baby talks. "Widdle Yoongles Woongles big bad mad at Jovie Wovie?"

Shit! She going to make me smile and I don't wanna. "Jova. I mean it."

Straddling my lap, she wraps her arms around my shoulders. I try to scrunch my neck into my shirt because I know what is coming next.

"We can't have Yoongles Woongles big bad mad at Jovie Wovie, can we?"

"Jova! Don't you dare-"

Too late. Jova wiggles her face under my jaw and blows raspberries on the side of my neck. I fight the tickle as long as I can eventually giving in and nearly choking to death on my mouthful of half chewed chips.

"Well don't die!" She yells, patting me on the back.

Once my esophagus is clear and my eyes have stopped watering, I reply "If I'd choked while you were with him who would've patted me on the back?"

"I hope you don't let just anyone blow raspberries on your neck, Yoongi."

"I'm serious. You're spending a lot more time with your succour than with me these days."

Jova sighs and twists her fingers in the hair at the nape of my neck. I love it when she does that, but I'll never admit it to her.

"I feel so bad for him. The woman the fates paired him with as his significant other refused to date him and his partner that he has waited all of his adult life for won't connect with him. I'm all that he has."

..but I still want you // OT7 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now