03 || Hearing vs Listening

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Yoongi POV

"I will stab you with my fork and not think twice, Yoongs." Jova hovers the prongs of her fork over my hand with her serious face.

"Then you will have to find another man to make you spicy enchiladas twice a week, Jo. Is that something you really want to do?"

Jova's eyes waver with the twisting of her mouth in consideration. "No. Guys suck, but just so you know.." She makes stabbing motions over my hand again "I refuse to share my food."

Laughing, I take another bite of my dinner. "I'm shaking in my sneakers."

"You should be!" She tries to be so tough but melts like butter after one bite of her favorite meal. The sound that passes her lips from one taste is quite erotic.

"Wow." I clear my throat. "Okay. That wasn't at all weird. They are just enchiladas, Jova."

"You changed something that makes them even more delectable. What is it?"

I smile widely, pleased that she noticed. "The sauce. I made it from scratch."

Taking another orgasmic sounding bite, Jova's eyes flutter and with a mouthful she states "Oh, if it didn't go against trifecta rules, I'd drop to my knees and show you my appreciation. They are astounding!"

Her statement hits me a bit differently today. "Thank you."

"Oh, baby, thank you." She continues stuffing her mouth.

"Hey, uhm, Jova?"


"Have you ever thought about.. that?"

Jova finishes chewing her bite with an inquisitive frown. "What?"

"About.. you and me.. as more?"

She slows her chewing as she stares at me slowly catching up to what I am trying to discuss with her. "More? Like.. Engaged more or married more?"

"Neither of those, actually. Like, uhm.. intimate more."

If I ever needed a way to stop Jova from eating, I found it. "You want us to.. bow chicka?"

"Why do you say-"

"Like bow wow chicka?"

"Jo, please be serio-"

"Boww chicka wow woww! Chicka wow!"

I slap my hand over my face. "What in the fu-"

"You wanna get in my panties?"

I peer through my fingers. "Do you have to say it like that?"

"That's what you're telling me isn't it? You want us to get it on like partners do. Right?"

"I mean, I have thought about it. Going to that level with you."

Jova lays her fork down on her plate and crosses her arms. "Why?"

"That's the way they used to do it. One person for all of your needs."

She gasps. "You want me to be your succour too? Holy, shit man! What has gotten in to you?"

Running my fingers through my blonde locks, I blow out a puff of air. This conversation isn't going the way I'd hoped.

"Curiosity. Just forget I said anything."

Scratching her head, Jova's hidden purple highlights peek through her otherwise dark hair. "You're upset with me now?"

"No, Jo. Everything is fine." I resume eating.

..but I still want you // OT7 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now