52 || Rewired

305 23 21


Jimin POV

Danbi hasn't stopped staring at me since her last orgasm nearly thirty minutes ago. She called for me again after our first time last night; that time we made it to my bed and it was unbelievably more intense than our first connection. 

We didn't stop at seconds. I'm not sure we could have stopped there even if we wanted. She and I connected many more times throughout the night and into the wee hours of the morning. I remember in my teens and early twenties watching movies about people connecting repeatedly until they passed out only to wake up and start all over again. I didn't believe it was possible to do such a thing.

It is believable and totally possible. 

My skin feels tingly against Danbi's touch. Right now, her head rests on the back of her hand in the center of my chest and she rubs her thigh slowly against my own.

"You're blushing," she finally says with a smirk.

"You're staring. I've never had someone look at me like this before."

"I just can't believe I was so scared to connect with you for so long. I should have known you would have already learned how to do those things by now."

Tracing her kiss-bruised lips with my index finger, I reply, "You taught me everything. I've only ever connected with you."

She blinks quickly, shock twisting her innocent face. "But you have had sex before, right?"

A bit embarrassed, I shake my head.

"Jimin, did you.. I mean were you waiting for me? "

"Yes. I thought we could share our first experiences together." 

I look down to her engagement ring. "I'd hoped."

Danbi sits up pulling the sheet with her to cover her chest. Her long dark sex hair falls to one shoulder in a messy bundle as she looks anxiously around my bedroom.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I shouldn't have taken something so special from you."

I sit up alarmed when she takes the sheet to shield her body and shuffles to our pile of clothing in the living room.

"What are you doing, Danbi?" My voice quivers.

"I should leave." 

She struggles to pull up her panties under the wadded sheet bunched around her frame. "I shouldn't have come. I should have, uhm.. I should have let you find someone else."

I don't concern myself with covering my nakedness, rushing to my shaky partner instead. "There isn't anyone else for me. I am yours and you are mine and I know you felt that when we connected."

She shakes her head. "No. I ruined an experience that obviously meant so much more to you than it did to me. That was wrong of me to do."

Danbi continues to fight against the folds of the sheet with her panties at her knees. I notice her lips quiver suppressing a whimper of sadness.

"Danbi, stop."

She struggles harder.

"Please." I mentally plead.

She gasps, standing up straight to face me with wide eyes. "How did.. I heard you.. in my head.."

"Because I wanted you to stop." I gently tug the sheet from her body.

"How can I hear you? Isn't it only supposed to work the other way around?"

"I heard more than your calls while you were sleeping. I'm not sure how I was able to hear your private thoughts, but the only thing I can figure is that it has something to do with our connection being broken. Sharing this experience with me after what happened rewired our bond differently."

Listening to the words I don't speak, Danbi stays motionless as the sheet flutters to the floor. I felt her nervousness before about the shape of her body so I make sure to caress every beautiful inch of her frame.

Especially her hips. 

Curvaceous and jaw-dropping isn't an ample description. Danbi was gifted with the perfect baby making hips. My anatomy twitches at the thought of her fully unshrouded scent and the possibility of seeding her in the future.

"I don't understand how I can hear you call on me."

"You opened yourself to me. I can still hear you.. even the whispering right now."

Her skin pimples under my fingertips as I take my time to appreciate her flesh without breaking eye contact. Danbi's breaths deepen and her calls become louder.

"Is that you or me?" She questions almost in a whisper.

"Pretty sure it's the both of us. Our desires intertwined." 

With a gentle pull closer to my body, I lower my voice and whisper in her ear. "You are feeling all of the attraction I feel for you right now. May I feel all of yours?"

I hold Danbi tighter to avoid passing out at her feet. All of the blood in my brain leaves in favor of another area of my body and I want to claw out of my skin with the need to be touched everywhere simultaneously.

My eyelids flutter. "Oh my god, Danbi. Don't shut me out from all of this ever again."

Crashing our lips together, I easily lift Danbi to carry her back to my bedroom. I can't wait to fully experience the depth of her needs as we connect.

Her body once again wide for me, she rolls her hips into my strokes matching each one with an equal amount of urgency. I can easily decipher when I rub against the most sensitive part of her core; she wails in absolute rapture at the astounding sensation.

Danbi flips me to my back straddling my hips and positioning my hands on her modest breasts. "I like when you touch my.. me here." She blushes.

"I know. I felt your pleasure when I did this." I raise to wrap my lips around one of her hardened nipples.

She gasps and whines, dropping her head back and rotating her hips. I moan at the magnificent clench of her walls around my length.

"I wish I could change them for you. Make them bigger. I know most men prefer bigger-"

I moan over her opposite nipple as I take it into my eager mouth. "Your body is perfect, Danbi. I don't want you to change a thing."

Through struggled whimpers, Danbi confesses a fact I already knew. "I don't know how to be on top, Jimin. I want to pleasure you, but I don't know what to do."

I crave her kisses now and so I seek out her lips, molding them to mine. "Just make yourself feel good. I feel you when you feel good."

Danbi needs no further encouragement as she begins to rotate her lower body on me again yelping in pure elation when she feels us both. Squeezing her hips, I hold on to their width enjoying the way they circle and bounce in my palms.

I find it endearing when Danbi cums and yet again buries her face into the side of my neck with tiny cries. Her arms wrap around my shoulders with every wobbly ounce of strength she has left while her juices soak my waist.

Both of my arms embrace my partner. "You don't have to be so quiet when you orgasm. I know it can't be easy holding in your sounds."

"I don't want to embarrass myself."

Leaving small kisses over her shoulder, I reply "You won't. I'd like to hear how much I pleasure you. It makes me feel good to know I have satisfied your needs."

"Will you make sounds with me?" Her extremities shake from aftershocks.

"If you would like to hear me, of course I will."

Danbi raises her head, her heavy lids examining my face. "Can we try it again right now?"

"Are you sure you can go again so soon?"

"I honestly don't know whether I'm feeling you or me anymore, but either way I like it.. and we're both ready to go again."


a/n: Danbi got a taste and now she can't get enough!

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