67 || Beautiful

242 22 15


Seokjin POV

"Lemme see," my makeup artist Rexann says as he takes the ice mask away from my eyes.

"Better?" I ask.

His frown tells me otherwise. "I don't know why you think I'm some kind of magician that can make all of the life stresses that you decide to wear on your face disappear with an ice pack and some makeup. I mean, I am but I don't know why you keep testing me."

The corner of my mouth lifts in a weak smile. "You always pass too."

"We don't have any more time to wait for the rest of the puffiness to go down, hun. I've got to get you done and on to hair."

Rexann tosses the ice pack onto the makeup table. He shuffles through brushes until he finally finds the one he is looking for. Then, he uses the handle to lift my chin and angle it towards the light.

"You are going to have a time cleaning this shit off of your face after the shoot is done. What were you crying about anyway?"

"Just life. Nothing impor-"

My sentence is interrupted by knocking on the open makeup room door. One of the photographer's assistants seems jarred as if the loudness of her knock scared her more than it did us.

"Jinnie is needed in five, Rex."

"Not this swollen, he isn't. Push for fifteen?"

"The most I can get is ten and that's beyond the seven the photographer will offer."

"Do you want Jinnie to look like Stay Puft? Get me fifteen."

The assistant does a glance away from and toward Rexann a few times considering her options. "Why do you have to make my job so difficult?"

"You love it or you would quit." Rexann blows her a kiss.

With a deep blush on her round cheeks, the assistant shuffles away as Rexann starts my makeup. His cheeky grin isn't missed as well as the wink he tosses my way.

"I might have to give her some after this one this time. She's been after me since the day she started working with us."

I look over Rexann's appearance. The loud, floral and chain print dress shirt he decided to wear today isn't calmed down any by the black and white cheetah print slacks nor the bright blue loafers he used to tie his look together.

His nails reflect the light just as his lips do; both have been covered in clear polish and lip gloss respectively. His low cut mohawk has blonde at the tips as well as an accent of red near his temples.

Confusion draws my brows together. "I.. I thought you were in to men..?"

Rexann laughs. "Not at all. Apparently the fates are confused as fuck too because I have yet to be tethered at all to anybody."

"It's not all it's cracked up to be." I drop my sight to my knees.

"You sound like a man who didn't get the woman he wanted. Let me tell you something, Seokjin Kim.." he leans close to whisper in my ear "..it's not all about what you want."

When Rexann stands, he's smirking. I look at him like I smelled something bad.

Rexann gets down to work and within minutes, you can't even tell I spent my morning crying. Honestly, you can't even tell what my actual skin color is either, but from what I understand I need to look as flawless as possible.

"Let's go, Rexie! Hair is- ooh!" a female voice I don't recognize says from the doorway.

"Yes, I made the magic happen. Hair can have him now. Tell them to not get any of their product on my creation."

..but I still want you // OT7 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now