77 || Hope

404 18 37


Hoseok POV

I feel like I should tiptoe through the hospital halls. Every sound -footfalls, rustling papers, and even a sniffle- is magnified and echoed the further I venture towards my destination.

The heavy double doors to the maternity ward are decorated in pastel colors and covered by the most adorable newborn drawings I have ever seen. At the right side of the doors on the wall is a speaker with a note that reads "PRESS BLUE BUTTON TO SPEAK".

I press the small blue button near the speaker and clear my throat, nervously adjusting my sweatshirt. Brushing my hair behind my ears with my fingers on my right hand, I shift in my spot while shuffling the gift bag from one finger to the other in my left hand waiting for someone to answer my call.

A woman's voice softly comes across the speaker. "How may I help you?"

"I'm here to visit Jova Min." My words almost have no separation.

"Is it only you, sir?" She asks.

My brow creases. "Yes."

She is silent for a moment. Had the decor not been so obvious, I might have wondered if I am at the right place.

"Stand against the opposite wall completely still and look directly at the speaker."

I'm confused, but I do as she says. A few seconds pass and I hear the sound of locks disengaging.

Taken as a sign that I have been granted entry, I reach for the handle and enter the maternity ward. The locks engage the second the door returns to its resting position.

A petite blonde woman waves to me from the opposite side of nearby desk. I approach her offering a nervous smile.

"May I see a photo ID, sir?" she politely asks.

"Of course," I reply as I place the gift bag on the counter and remove my license from my wallet.

After I pass it to her, I notice she makes sure to check that the photo matches my face and then she writes something down in a log book on her desk. She returns my license with a kind smile.

"You, uh, have a lot of protocols in place," I say putting my license away.

"We do. We are the most secure medical center in the state. New moms have enough to worry about after delivery; the safety of their newborn shouldn't be on that list."

"Touché," I nod in agreement.

"Mrs. Min is in room 309. Take a right at the end of this desk and it will be the second door on your left."

I thank the nurse and head towards Jova's room. This is the part where my nerves kick into overdrive and I get a little queasy.

I haven't seen nor heard from Jova since I tried to apologize when I broke our tether. Even though we were no longer tethered, I still worried about her well-being.

I had my assistant check-in on Jova every few weeks. It sounds creepy as I'm well aware, but I only wanted two yes or no questions answered:

"Is Jova safe and healthy?"

Should my assistant answer 'no', my second question would follow.

"Am I able to help her?"

Just because we aren't a part of each other's trifects, doesn't mean I don't want her out of my life. Jova is an amazing woman on her own and I wish that she could see the potential in herself that I have always seen.

..but I still want you // OT7 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now