Chapter Seventeen

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"Hey, Tris!" I hear Four yell before the slam of a door. Immediately, I turn my laptop off and jump out of bed, hurrying as I place the thin electronic between my mattress and bed frame. He'd kill me if he knew what I was doing. I may not know him too well, but I know him well enough to know that he's very protective.

"Hey." I respond as wander into the kitchen lazily, rubbing my eyes as though I just woke up from a nap. Four is shirtless and glistening with sweat, but I know that after he came home from work, he changed clothes in his apartment and went on a run.

A week ago, after I had given Four the hard drive with the security tapes, I had bunked down in my bedroom and stayed up till 2 or 3am hacking into the camera feeds for the apartment building, the office, and the streets surrounding both buildings. Since then, I've been monitoring the live feed with absolutely no sign of Peter, or Jeanine. Honestly, the fact that they haven't been around should reassure me, make me feel safer, but their absence is deafening and I'm not sure what to do about it. I feel like the fact that they aren't here means that they're off somewhere else, hurting someone else. It's almost as if I welcome the trouble as long as it means no one but me is getting hurt.

"What have you been doing all-day?" He asks, pouring himself a glass of water and chugging it down in seconds. His muscles flex and relax as he goes through the everyday motions and I watch curiously, wondering exactly how her ended up working for the FBI, thus gaining muscle that only body builders get. Dear Lord those muscles... what was his question?

"You know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that." I reply, bending the truth as far as it goes.

"Oh? So, you haven't been doing exactly what you have been this whole week on your laptop? You know, spying on everyone in existence?"

"What?" I demand, my tone hard and unforgiving, he can't know what I've been doing the past week. Although, he obviously does.

"You haven't hacked into a whole bunch of security feeds so you could keep watch on everything that's happening?" I stare at him, his sweat drenched body and hair, he shouldn't know this. "I'm not stupid, Tris. I knew you wouldn't just sit there and do nothing, so I hacked into your computer." I look down and twirl my hair around my finger. I honestly can't get mad at him for this, I mean, I would be pissed if our positions were switched. But I should have known he was going to do this. "At first, I was hoping that you would stop after a couple days, but you didn't so now I have to confront you." His eyes burn holes through my body and I can't help but look up at him. His eyes are hard and his features set, making me feel small and insecure. "What the hell are you doing Tris? Are you trying to make your health worse?"

"I don't know." I snap at him. "All I know is that my life is crumbling. It's being torn apart by two separate people and I can't do anything about it yet. You're judging me without even knowing what it's like to be me. And you can shut the hell up about me 'jeopardizing my own health' until you do know." I state, oddly calm.

Four stares at me, but before he can say anything else, I walk back into my room, slamming the door and locking it once I'm in.


The next morning, I stay in my room until Four leaves. After I'm positive he's gone, I grab my phone and a jacket. I slip on a random pair of shoes and walk out the door. I'm craving fresh air.

Instead of taking the elevator, my brain steers me in the direction of the stairwell. I step down stairs slowly and carefully, I obviously don't need another concussion.

When I get to the side exit, I burst through the door, inhaling the slightly stale city air. I walk down the alleyway and out onto the street, my full intention being walking to the Starbucks across the street and back, but instead I double take when I see Four, lurking in the Starbucks himself.

As if he knew I was outside, his eyes find mine and anger flares in my chest. Was he waiting for me to do something like this? I don't need a freaking babysitter.

I stalk across the street and fling the door to Starbucks open, ignoring the barista as she welcomes me. Four eyes me wearily as I get closer and I stop inches from his face.

"Are you spying on me or something?" I demand, fury rolling off me in waves. The edges of his lips twitch as he tries not to smile and my anger grows.

"No, I'm not." I blink at his answer. Why was he down here then? There's a Starbucks near the 'office'- I need a better word- so why was he at this one.

"So what are you doing here?" I question, no longer upset.

"Go get yourself a coffee then we'll talk." He tells me before turning his head to look back out the window. I stare at him for a moment before doing just that.

My feet bring me over to the counter and I order a regular cup of coffee instead of my usual Frappé, desperately craving the drink loaded with caffeine. The barista hands it to me, sending me a look that says she thinks I'm a bitch, which is probably correct. I shoot her a sarcastic smile before heading back over to Four.

"So why are you here?" I inquire while sitting down, our elbows almost touching. My whole body is electrified by his proximity.

He tenses slightly before turning towards me, banging our knees together.

"Now Tris, don't freak out," He begins, making me question whether or not I really want to hear why he's about to say. "But, there was a sighting of Peter, walking into our building," I suck in a breath. "And Jeanine Mathews, your parents supposed murderer, was with him."

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