Chapter Sixty-One

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Tris' POV

When I wake up, I can hear the continuous beeping of a heart monitor and my head pound with it. My right side throbs with pain, but it's a small thing compared to the sharp pains in my right arm. I groan loudly and try to lift my left arm, but it's weighed down by something.

I look over to see Tobias sleeping peacefully, one of his arms draped over mine and our fingers intertwined. After making sure that we're alone, I address him.

"Tobias." I croak, my vocal cords rubbing together painfully. I begin coughing and I squeeze my eyes shut when it doesn't stop.

"Hey, hey, hey." I hear suddenly. "Here, drink." Tobias says, lifting a water bottle towards my lips. I drink the liquid greedily, finishing more than half the bottle before Tobias takes it away. "How are you feeling?"

"Sucky." I reply, placing my left arm underneath myself so I can sit up. When I try, the skin pulls on my right side and I wince. Tobias immediately pushes me back down once he realizes what I'm doing. "Why does my right side hurt so much?" I groan, feeling up and down it and wincing as I press near the bottom.

"Your appendix ruptured when you hit the ground, they had to take it out."

"Wait, what?!" I yell pulling my hospital gown up to see one sterile white bandage running from the top of my hip down to the top of my underwear and another running up and down at the top of the last bandage. I stare hard at both of them tears coming to my eyes when I think about what must be underneath both bandages. Stitches. Marks. Scars in the making.

I'm going to look like Frankenstein if my little 'magic trick' doesn't work this time.

"You were bleeding out internally pretty quickly, and they didn't know what it was, only that it was on your right side. They didn't have time for an x-Ray so they went straight in, localized the bleed to your appendix and took it out." My tears leak through the corners of my eyes and I push the gown back down.

"What about my arm?"

"Once they completed the appendectomy, they x-Rayed your arm. You broke  your radius in two places, so they opened that up too. After stabilizing the bones and aligning them, they closed you with dissolvable stitches and put a cast on. I think you get more x-Rays in a little less than a week... I had to tell them, Tris." Please don't tell me he told them about what I think he's talking about. "I had to tell them about the healing stuff." The moment he speaks his last sentence, my eyes snap to his. Anger flowing through them, no doubt.

"You're kidding." He doesn't meet my eyes and shakes his head. I lean my head back against the pillows, angry tears coming to my eyes."Was it not enough to hide the fact that you knew my mom really well?" I look up and glare at him. "You just had to tell them my one secret? The secret that might get me killed in some scientists lab? Was I not mad enough at you, Four?!" I yell at him then wincing when my headache blossoms at the back of my head again.

"Are you oka-"

"Where's Chris?" I interrupt him.

"She's probably at home. It's almost 1am." Shit.

"Why isn't she here? She wouldn't have left without making sure I was okay." I grunt, shifting on the uncomfortable bed and not meeting his eyes.

"That all saw you while you were sleeping, but I sent them home when they realized that you were going to be fine."

"Great... " I mutter, turning my head away from him. "Well, I'm going back to sleep. I'd prefer if you left me alone for a while though. I don't even want to look at you." I can't see his hurt expression, but I know it's there. Several seconds later, I hear him stand and walk to the door.

"I'll be in the next room if you need me." He mutters. The door closes quietly and I  shift to glare at it.

I want him to stay away, but I also want him come back.


"Tris...wake up, bitch." I feel something hot my back, leaving a stinging sensation behind. The pain doesn't go away. I lift my head, though it seems heavier than the weight of the world. I moan and glance upwards at my arms which are hanging from chains. The chains are coiled partially in pulleys, pointing to the fact that they can lower and retract. When I allow my head to fall back down, I realize that I've been stripped of my shirt and pants, and I hang there in my underwear.

I can see angry red marks on my calves and a couple on my inner thighs, pointing to the fact that I've been whipped at some point. With that realization, the pain and the feeling of blood dripping down my back suddenly becomes very evident.

"Where am I?" I question him. The room is concrete and the only light comes from the windows near the ceiling. The faint sound of dripping water is present and I feel like I'm in the sewer. It even smells bad.

"Why Tris, don't you recognize it?" He sneers at me, making me want to knock those pretty little teeth right out of his mouth. "It's hell."

"Peter." I spit, my eyes screwed shut painfully. "Quit f*cking around and tell me where the f*ck I am!"

"It'll all be explained soon enough." He saunters over to a lever on the wall and pulls it down. My body drops to the floor and I scream as my leg bends at an odd angle. The chains also collapse on my figure, digging gashes into my exposed skin.

"Peter!" A woman yells. I can't see her because I'm turned away, but I know she sounds familiar. "That's enough. For now at least."

I hear the chains jingling as they're reeled back into the pulleys. My body rises until I'm hanging by only a couple inches and the pulleys shut off. I'm left dangling there.

"What's going on?" I whisper, trying to open my swollen eyes. I can hear the women's heels click as she strides towards my back and I try to twist around to see her.

"Stop that." She demands, her voice hard. "I need you to stay still."

"Why-F*ck!!!" I scream until my throat feels raw as I try to figure out what just happened. She had stuck something in the back of my neck, but it wasn't a needle. It felt more like a pair of tweezers. "What you just do?" I sob, my body's movements making the chains jingle.

"I inserted a device into your brain that will detect what parts of your body are injured. It also has a small explosive in it that I can use to kill you at any point in time." The woman finally comes into to view and my face twists into a sneer.

"Jeanine." I snicker, throwing my head back in what seems like a breathless laugh. "You know you don't scare me, right? Neither does the death you just threatened me with."

She shakes her head dramatically. "Trust me Beatrice, I do know that. But," She continues. "I do know one thing that makes you very uncomfortable." She nods at Peter and he steps back into my line of vision. He holds a vial of the blue liquid in his hands and I stiffen immediately. "Don't worry, it might be over sooner this time. Though, it also might be more painful."

Peter steps towards me again, but before he injects me, I ask Jeanine a question.

"What's it do?" She smirks at me.

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet... It heals you."

My mind barely has time to process that information before Peter plunges the needle into my arm as before. The now familiar agony that comes with the mysterious blue liquid slithers through my body and I thrash around screaming and begging for her to make it stop. When it reaches my brain, all thought leaves and I can feel my eyes roll back into my head as I pass out. The last thing I hear is Jeanine telling Peter to take my body down and transport me to a lab.


I wake up screaming.

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