Chapter Seventy-Six

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Three Years Later

"Natalie, will you lock up the gym tonight before you leave?" Mara, my new- well old now- supervisor asks me; chunking the keys at me before I answer.

"I will." I reply, my gaze slipping back to my computer screen.

"Hey Natalie?" She calls from the door, her voice softer than usual.


"Don't stay too long. You deserve a break." I look at her skinny frame as she leans against the wall, suit coat thrown over her shoulder.

"Okay." I answer, once again glaring at my computer screen. Her heels click as she exits the building.

In front of me, the familiar blue color from the Facebook website gleams at me, with a blown up picture of a women in a white dress and a man in a black tuxedo centered on the page. Uriah and Marlene finally got married. In the picture they're standing at the altar, both of them laughing at something. Shauna, Marlene's sister whom I never really met, and Christina stand behind Mar, matching in light pink dresses. Zeke and Tobias stand on the other side next to Uri.

I click on the picture and it opens the rather large album. Inside, the pictures of their beach wedding reveal a small crowd. My father and Caleb attended, as did Max, Tori, Peter, Uriah's parents, and what I think is Marlene's parents. There are a couple other people there that I don't know, but it's been three years. They've obviously made new friends.

I flip through the album, stopping several times to gaze at pictures of Tobias with some girl. She's tan with brown hair, blue eyes, and a gorgeous smile. She wears a white dress that matches the rose in Tobias' lapel. I shut the computer off.

I sigh and stand up, drifting slowly towards the gym doors.

When I first came to New York, I didn't fit in very well- people with no emotions obviously don't- but gradually people started warming up to rocky interactions. I was finally making a place for myself when he came.

The first time Tobias came looking for me was three months after I'd left. He'd come in to the front desk waving his badge and demanding to see all the agents at our precinct. I left the moment I heard his voice, though he probably didn't recognize me as I had cut my hair to my ears and dyed it a bleach blonde, making me practically unrecognizable.

He came again half a year later and again six months after that. This routine was repeated until last month when he didn't return, but I guess I found the reason why. He had finally moved on.

I finally arrive at the gym doors and I release the doorstop with a kick. When the doors shut I twist the key into its respective gear and turn around.

"Tris?" I stop dead in my tracks, tilting my head in curiosity. The man is concealed in the dark lighting, but when he steps forward I glare through my veil of chest length hair.

"Peter." He grins at me, trying to knock away my emotionless tone.

" need to come home." He utters, offering me his gloved hand. New York's late-November weather has finally reached the low 40s and even I can't walk around with gloves on or else my knuckles will split.

"No, I don't. I don't have a home." I insist, trying to edge past him. He slides in front of me.

"Bullshit." He bites, his eyes flashing dark. "He's your home." The look in his eyes states that we both know who the he is in that sentence.

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