911 29 2

Tobias' POV

"Tris!" I call, wandering through our beach house as I try to find my girl.

As I enter and exit most of the rooms of the house, I begin getting a little confused. Where could she be? Her car's in the driveway, so where is she?

Just as I start panicking, I hear her melodic voice coming through an open window, and when I glance through the clear glass, I see her pacing in the sand, her phone pressed to her ear.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?!" She exclaims, worry etched on her face. "He's my husband...and I have to tell him. Shit, he's gonna be so pissed at me." Who is she talking to? What am I going to be pissed about? "Okay, okay...can I meet up with you before I do it though? I'm going to need something to calm me down first." Woah, what the hell does that mean? "Okay...okay. Alright, see you on Tuesday. I love you."

I love you? Who does she love? Who was that? Where is she going on Tuesday?

I back away from the window quietly, suddenly fuming as the worst question I've ever asked myself comes to mind.

Shit— is she cheating on me?


My weekend is terrible, and I try not to make it obvious that I'm avoiding Tris, but we can both feel a strain as I continue to make sure we're never in the same room or going to bed at the same time.

When Monday comes Tris and I both have to go into the city to investigate a murder scene, and I can tell she's really confused when I don't come straight home with her, like usual. Every time we have to go to a murder scene, we stay up half the night, talking it out, making sure we're both okay, but I don't know if I could do that tonight, so I head over to Zeke's.

"Four! Dude, what are you doing here?" Zeke asks as soon as he opens the door. The question is valid, since it's already 9:30.

"I think Tris is cheating on me." I tell him angrily before walking past him into his kitchen. The wood flooring creaks under my weight and I ignore it. "Can I have a beer?"

Zeke nods slowly, his eyes wide as he processes my information. I throw the door to the fridge open and pick out a Bud Light, taking a long swig as soon as I take the cap off.

"Let's go out to the patio," He mumbles. "Shauna and the baby are sleeping."

"Oh shit, man. I'm sorry." I totally forgot that our late night visits probably aren't welcome at his house anymore.

"It's fine." We walk out to the deck and take seats on the beige couches before he starts talking again. "Why do you think she's cheating on you?"

"I heard her on the phone. She kept saying that I was gonna be pissed and that she has to tell me something." I pause and take a sip of my beer, letting the bitter taste linger.

"Well dude, that could be anything."

"And that she loved him, and that she wanted to meet up before she told me so they could do something to calm her down." I squeeze my eyes shut as I think about what something could mean. Just thinking about another man touching her makes me want to kill him. "They're meeting up on Tuesday." I grunt, my voice strangled.

"Well..." He starts, suddenly at a loss for words. "Shit, Four." I chuckle mercilessly.

"Yup." I tip back the beer bottle and finish the rest with a large gulp. Zeke stands and runs his hands through his hair.

"Hold on dude. I'm going to get us both a beer, then we can talk, okay?" I try to smile at him, but it's probably more of a grimace.

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