Chapter Forty-Five

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Tris' POV

"Tris." I hear someone whisper. "Tris. Tris, it's noon, we need to get up." I crack one eyelid and see Four grinning down at me, his eyes bright. I stretch my arms above my head and groan sleepily.

"How long have you been up?" I ask him, curling back into his warm chest.

"I don't know, a while. But I needed to think about a couple things so it's okay."

"Mm." I hum, content to stay in bed for the rest of the day. But then I remember something and I shoot up in bed. "We have work today!" I screech, throwing off the covers and running to the bathroom to put my hair in a messy bun and grab my chocolate crusted clothes. I enter the bedroom again and look around for anything that's mine, then I see Four watching me, a grin on his face. "Get up Four!" I command, in complete panic mode now. My tense shoulders loosen when he stands and as I'm about to walk out, I feel his hands grip my hips.

"Put you clothes down." He whispers, nuzzling my neck and making me obey.

"But Four..." I start, breathless.

"I called in and told them we wouldn't be there." He breathes into my neck, as his arms wrap all the way around my waist. He trails his lips upwards and to my own, but I pull back.

"But they'll think-"

"Think what? That you spent the night with me? Cause you did." He whispers in my ear, bringing a hand up and taking the hair band out of my bun. My gold locks fall over my shoulders and down to my waist.

"Yeah, but they'll think of it the wrong way."

"Mm." He hums, the vibration on my neck distracting me.

"Four." I grit out, trying to keep my head. He pulls his head up and looks down on me, his eyes dark.

"What?" He stares down at me, daring me to defy him. It's when I bite my lip that he knows he's won. "Screw it." I say, wrapping my arms around his neck and letting him do as he pleases.


After a while, we come up for air and I sag against the wall, which he pushed me against.

"I'm hungry." I voice, eyeing Four's swollen lips as he smiles. He nods in agreement then pecks my lips before picking me up by the waist.

"Four! Put me down!" I yell, laughing as I run my fingers through his hair.

"Mm, I don't think so." He responds, walking out to the kitchen. But contrary to his statement, he sets me on the counter. Before he can pull away though, I grab the back of his head and bring him with me as I lean back across the counter. He buries his face on my neck and I arch my back against the cold granite to bring us closer. He stands between my legs which are hanging over the counter; our torsos are pressed together, molded perfectly, as if we were made for each other. I thread my hands through his hair again and pull him up to my mouth. One of his hands remains planted firmly on my waist while the other goes in my hair. His lips are soft against my own and I drink him in as well as I can before we have to break for a breath. He presses his forehead to my own and I smile, my eyes still closed in bliss.

"What are you doing to me?" He whispers, kissing my smiling lips before standing up straight. I follow and sit up, but when he tries to walk away I grab one of his hands and pull him back, brushing my lips across his teasingly. He leans in to make better contact but I dodge him and jump off the counter, sauntering to the fridge.

"You did not just do that." He exclaims, his jaw dropped. I just smirk and wink at him as I grab the eggs out of the fridge.


"You did not just do that." He repeats, as though truly confused by my actions.

"But I you want eggs?" I glance at him to see that mischievous look in his eyes again. He begins striding soundlessly around the counter, his body tense like a hunter's. "Four." I warn, holding the egg carton between us like a shield. "Four we already did this crap last night, I'm done." He smirks at me, getting closer and closer with every step. Abandon the eggs and freaking run.

For once, I follow my conscience's command, but regret it immediately. He's on me within seconds and I yell and kick my legs as he wraps his arms around my chest and picks me up.

"Four!" I screech, laughing as he randomly carries me around the room. "Put me down!"

"Nope. You teased me, now I get to have fun." I groan and go completely limp, which must make me feel a little heavier, because Four tightens his grip. He takes me over to the couch, and for a moment I'm completely okay with that, because he'll probably put me down and kiss my so it's a win-win... It's when he puts me down that I was completely mistaken.

"You're ticklish, aren't you?" He asks, his mischievous smile so wide that it could rival the Cheshire Cat's. Instead of waiting for me to answer, he begins tickling me and all thought leaves my brain.

"Fo-F-Four!" I howl through laughter. "Pl-Plea-Please, please stop!" I curl into myself, folding my body into a ball, but he still doesn't quit.

"Say you're sorry." Is his response. Hell no.

I'm about to voice my exact thought, but I can't seem to get my mouth to form the words. Instead, I cry out, "I'm sorry!" And he stops. I feel the couch dip as he lays down next to me. I don't do or say anything.

"Tris?" Silence. "Tris?" Mmhm, he's wishing he didn't tickle you now. "Tris?"

"Ugh, what!?" I roll over to face him.

"Are you mad?" No.

"Yes, you've broken my trust." I tell him, my face flat and expressionless. He seems to sag into himself and I can't help but smile. "No, I'm not mad. But next time you tickle me, you're getting an elbow to the face." He nods as though that's fair.

"I guess I won't tickle you anymore then."

"Wise choice." He pulls me on top of his body and I tangle our legs together as I lean down to kiss him again. We kiss for a while and he ends up flipping us so I'm underneath him. We're both so lost in the pleasure, in each other, that we don't even hear it as the front door opens.

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