Chapter Five

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"Beep! Beep! Beep!" I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring, just as I have for the past month. I groan, rolling over and hitting the snooze button. I sit up slightly so I can get a look at the time. 8:00.

Time to get up. I tell myself. It's not a good enough reason for me to get up so I stuff my face back into my pillow. You get to leave today. At that thought, I shoot into a sitting position. "I get to leave today." I whisper to myself, almost not believing it. I stand up, running into the bathroom and starting the shower. I strip and jump in, letting the heated water wake me up. I wash my long, thick hair, making sure that my scalp burns by the time I'm done scrubbing it.

Once I'm done in the shower, it's 8:30. I dry off and throw on some underwear before I grab a white tank top and a black, loose, long sleeve shirt. It's open in the back and, because I'm so small, it hangs off of one shoulder, showing off my tattoo. I also pull on a pair of designer jeans, that somehow fit my small frame perfectly. That's probably why they're designer, idiot.

I rifle through the bag that I brought from home and tuck my brother's beanie under my arm. I walk back into the steam-filled bathroom and grab the hair dryer from underneath the sink. I plug it in and dry my hair as well as I can within five minutes. I don't want to be late. Then, I shove the beanie on my head and slip my feet into combat boots that I had gotten last week. I peek at myself in the mirror and walk out the door.


"Waffles, please." I tell the waiter, before taking a sip of the orange juice that he brought to me earlier.

"Will that be all?" He asks, looking me in the eyes. Wow, his eyes are pretty. They're a bright green, I can't help but compare them to the color of a forest. They're that green.

"Yes, thank you." He smiles at me flashing his perfect, straight, white teeth. I play with my earring studs as I wait for the food. During the second week that I was here, I got my first piercing, but a week later, I decided to get a second. So, now I have a tattoo and four holes in my body... I'd say I'm fitting in pretty well here.

The green-eyed waiter brings my food and I immediately start eating, that way I can get to my meeting with Max in time. I eat half of the waffle before I stand and stride out the door towards Max's office. When I get there, I knock lightly on the door.

"Come in." Max says through the door. I walk in and sit down in the black leather chair in front of his glass desk. I can't help but peer out the window behind him, at the amazing city that is Chicago.

"Hey, Max."

"Hello, Tris. So, I want to get straight down to business. Today, you are flying down to LA to join one of our FBI teams as a field officer, correct?" I nod my head. "Okay, here's what you need to know. First, your car, the 2013 Camaro, will be sold and the money will be given to you. We believe that the people that went after your parents were after all four of you, and we don't want anybody to follow the car to LA. You will get a car when you go to the office there, though. It will be a work vehicle.

"Second, there is an apartment already picked out for you in LA. Here is the key." He hands me a regular old silver key, and I stuff it in my pocket. "Third, when you arrive at the airport, a man named Zeke Pedrad will be picking you up. He is also on the field team in LA. Here's a picture." Max hand me a small picture of a guy that looks slightly older than me. He is tan and has dark brown hair and matching eyes. I nod my head.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Yes, here's a set of fake IDs for the airport. You'll get more in Los Angeles. Last thing, your parents, by default" Because my brother is also dead. "have given everything to you in their wills. The house, their cars, everything. You will need to think it over and decide what you will do with everything. You are a legal adult, so it's your decision. Although, I would not encourage you to keep their cars or the house." I let out a shaky breath. What am I going to do with everything?

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