Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Tris' POV

After almost five hours of swimming, laying on the beach, and eating our dinner from Il Posto Migliore in Città, Tobias and I finally fold our woven blanket and stumble back to his car. He throws all of the stuff in the trunk before approaching me again, a smile playing lazily on his lips. I lean back against the car and he places his hands on either side of me before doing a half push up and bringing his lips to mine. I laugh into the kiss and bring my hands up to his jaw, fingering the little bit of stubble growing there. One of his hands moves to the curve of my back and I arch into him, detaching our lips for a moment as I catch a breath.

"I love you so much," he murmurs, his lips pressing to my neck. I throw my head back and moan in response. His lips drag up to my ear and he nips the lobe, causing me to press closer to him. I can't take it anymore and I grab his hair to pull his lips back to mine. Our tongues mingle together, and I can taste the red wine we had on his lips. I bring a leg up and hook it to one of his hips. He grips the other and I jump up to wrap them both around his waist. My dress rides up as his hands run under the material to hold me up by my butt, making me whimper into the kiss. I pull back for a moment and he growls and flips around so he's leaning on the car and holding me up. He attacks my lips again and I grin into the kiss. It's only when we realize that it's past midnight that  we get  in the car and drive home, continuing our activities in the comfort of his apartment.


When I wake up, I attempt to snuggle deeper into the covers and go back to sleep, but Tobias decides to begin tracing shapes on my back, making me fully aware of the fact that I'm awake.

"Stop it..." I groan into the pillow. One of my hands travels to and grips his large bicep, hoping to halt his movements.

"What if I don't want to?" His hand travels below the thin material and goosebumps cover my body.

"You have to." I whisper, breathless as I turn my head to look at him. A smirk makes itself at home on his beautiful lips and I glare at him. When I decide he's really not going to stop, I roll to the edge of the bed and stand. "Ugh, I guess I'll shower since we should go into work today." I run my hands through my long hair, flipping it back so that the shirt rides up. Tobias groans and I grin back at him. "You can make breakfast while I shower." I grin, my words laced with playfulness.

"I have a better idea," he starts, rising from the bed and approaching me. His hands grip my waist and bring me closer to him before he kisses me deeply, making me bend back a little as he holds me up. He bites my lower lip when he pulls away, causing me to pout. "How about I just join you?" With that, I push him back by his chest and saunter away.

"How about you make us some eggs instead babe? I thank that may be a little more useful this morning." I glance back at him from the bathroom doorway and wink, a small, victorious, smug smile planted upon my lips. I chuckle quietly after I close the door, but only after I hear his frustrated groan do I burst out in laughter.


Two hours later, we're finally pulling into the bureau(haha finally found a name for it, though I guess it should have been obvious). Tobias had been of no help this morning, and eventually he captured me with his distraction plan, and we left the apartment immediately after he got what he wanted. Now he's just sitting behind the wheel, his face the definition of pure happiness. It made me laugh.

"Quit smiling like that!" I scold, though the corners of my mouth are upturned as well.

"Why?" He asks as he puts the car in park. I watch as his long fingers twist the key out of ignition before answering.

"Because everyone's gonna think that you got lucky last night or something." I blurt, realizing the fault in my sentence after I said it.

"Well that makes sense," he kisses me softly. "Because I did get lucky last night...this morning too." I roll my eyes and push his face away from me prior to getting out of the car. Smug bastard.

"Shut up!" I yell back at him, heading to the elevator. I
press the button and the doors slide open a couple moments later to reveal someone in the elevator. I smile when I recognize the person. "Hey Al." I greet, my grin stretching. He nods his head at me and his hand goes to his back pocket. I look back at Tobias. "Hurry up, Four!"

"I'm comin'!" He yells, finally making it out from behind the car. Suddenly, I feel a sting in my neck. I reach my hand up and pull out a dart of some kind, it multiplies in my vision before I register myself falling sideways.

The last thing I hear is car tires screeching and Tobias' worried yell, then I hit the floor.


Lights. Noise. Antiseptic. Blue clothing. Face masks. Syringes. Flashlights. Needles. Tubes. Blood. Cameras. Microscopes. Oxygen masks.



I wake to a searing pain in my skull. A noise that seems to indicate my eardrums being blown out. The bright fluorescent light above me doesn't help with the ache, and my limbs are impossible to move. Restraints attach themselves to my arms, my legs, and my head, making anything impossible for me to do.

I hear a metallic 'whoosh' and my eyes grow wide. I try to look around to see who's there, but I can't. Then, I can hear footsteps approaching. The woman that owns the sound wears heels, and I feel a deep fear spread through my chest when I realize who it is. My hate for her burns in my soul every day.

Her heads pops into my vision. She smiles a little too wide, and I can't help but notice how tightly the skin on her face is stretched.

"Welcome Beatrice Prior, to your own personal hell."


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