Chapter Twenty-Four

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"What the hell?" I say, rubbing my temple as I try to sit up.

"Hey, we're here, just go back to sleep, I've got you." Suddenly, I'm aware of a swaying motion and the bright lights and the small chatter. He must be carrying me through the hotel lobby.

"But I don't want you to." I exclaim sleepily as I twist in his arms, trying to get him to put me down. "I can walk by myself."

"Tris, you fell asleep in the car and didn't budge when I opened your door. Your still healing from your concussion and you need your sleep. Let me do this."

"Fine." I groan, snuggling closer to the warmth of his chest. "But just this once."

Although I let him carry me, I can't seem to go back to sleep because of how close he is. It's like there's electricity running through my veins every time he's near, but it was like that with Peter too... I went too deep too fast with Four, and I'm not going to let myself drown again.

I hear an elevator bell go off and when I squint my eyes just to peek, I see that we're getting off. I close my eyes. He continues walking down a hallway when I feel him stop. He shifts so he's holding me up with one arm (which must be a feat... I weigh like a 120 pounds) and I can hear him as he scans the room key and opens the door.

He walks a few more steps then he lowers me onto the bed and covers me with a blanket; a couple seconds later I hear the door to the room close, and that's when I fall back to sleep.



"Huh? What?" I exclaim, sitting up in bed and glancing around the room. We're in the hotel room, me in the bed closest to the door and Four in the other one. He's still sleeping.

"God, I've been yelling your name for the past three minutes." Will comments through the earpiece.

"Oh. What do you want?"

"Christina stopped moving about a hour ago, and we were just watching the sight so we knew whether or not they were making a pit stop. It seems as though they aren't, so wake Four up and get ready. I'll get you the address soon."


Will hangs up and I'll turn around to look at four. He looks so peaceful in his sleep, so young, so... not himself. Makes me think just how different he may have been if he didn't have this particular life, this particular job.

I walk up to his bed and sit on the edge his back facing me. I begin to rub gentle circles on the shoulders whispering "Four... Four you got to wake up they found Christina."

He rolls a little and mumbles something under his breath before sitting up and looking at me with sleepy eyes.  "They found her? "

"Yeah, Will is getting us an address." He nods his head and rubs his eyes before looking back to me. His eyes are exhausted, somehow a deeper blue than normal, almost black. That's when I realize I'm staring. "I'm going to change real quick." I mutter, before standing and walking into the bathroom, grabbing my bag on the way.

I close the door and unzip my suitcase. I pull out some leggings and a long sleeved under armor shirt and change into them. Then I put minimal makeup on, just enough to cover the circles under my eyes and prove that I do have eyelashes. When I walk out, I see Four laying on the bed typing in his phone. He's wearing black jeans and a short sleeved under armor shirt.  He looks up and scans me before nodding slightly and standing.

"Let's go." He says.

"Um, we haven't gotten an address yet..."

"I know, but we need to go to the warehouse that we have in the city and get some weapons. So come on."

I follow him wordlessly to the elevator. When we step in the tension is thick. That's it.

I step forward and press the stop button, much like I did yesterday. Four states at me expectantly and I sigh, wishing I didn't have self-respect so I could kiss him again...but that's not me.

"Look," I start, cocking my head sideways as I try to find where you start. "We weren't dating, okay? We were having fun for about 6 hours, that's it. But we need to get over it now so we can help Christina. You're still my partner, you're still the person that's supposed to have my back, so just forget it happened because I need to be focused on this, not fourteen year old thoughts about whatever is going on between us. Which as far as I'm concerned, should be nothing."

He leans against the wall and taps his fingers on the railing running around the walls of the elevator, scrutinizing me.

"Fine," He responds, I turn back to the elevator buttons. "But Tris?"

"What?" I ask, my finger hovering over the stop button.

"I'm not going to stop trying."


Being myself, I decided to ignore Four's comment and press the stop button again, now we're in the car, an awkward silence over us. We've been driving for about ten minutes and I just can't take it anymore, so I lean forward and turn the radio. The song 'Here' by Alessia Cara comes in and I start singing under my breath.

That's when Four swerves. That's when all hell breaks loose.

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