Chapter Seventy-One

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Tobias' POV

I am in hell. I'm absolutely positive of that as I listen to Tris' continuous screams. The men have been torturing her for a while now, and my heart fractures every time I hear one of her pleas for them to stop. At first, I had tried to ignore it like she had asked me to, but within minutes I was up again watching the red, burning welts rise on her delicate skin. I did everything I could to get out-I body slammed both the glass and the door, neither of them budged; although, I did break off part of the door handle, but it still wasn't enough. Now, I watch as my tears slowly drip down the invincible glass window, only looking up when Tris goes silent as the reheat the brand every few minutes.

This time though, her screams don't come again. I glance up to see her alone in the empty room, and have to bite my lower lip to keep from screaming. Her mostly naked body hangs from the restraints as she weeps. They had taken off the shirt, but resolved for burning through her shorts leaving red and black marks along her inflamed thighs. Her stomach and arms are barely recognizable because of the angry crimson burns and I sob against the glass when her eyes meet mine. Her usually sky blue eyes have dulled to a lifeless gray color and her face seems to have aged ten years. Those bastards won't get away with this.

The door behind me opens then, and before I can put up a fight, they've knocked me out.


Tris' POV

The pain circulating my body is excruciating, but it's nothing compared to the panic I feel when I see Tobias' limp body being pulled from the empty room by two men in doctor's coats.

"No!" I shriek, using every little bit of energy left in my beaten body. "Jeanine don't you dare hurt him!" I yell, tears continuing to stream out of my aching eyes. The intercom crackles.

"Don't worry Ms.Prior," Jeanine starts, the content tone of her voice making me wonder what happened to her. What made her so cruel. "Mr.Eaton will not be harmed anymore...yet." What!?

"What do you mean yet?!" I cry out, allowing myself to go limp in the restraints. My back arches off the upright metal table, making the burnt skin on my arms and torso pull. I scream.

"Bring her to the lab." She commands before the door slides open again to reveal a girl, at least I think she's a girl. Her head is shaved and her golden eyes are stone-hard, making my heart sink a little. Yet another person who's been brainwashed by Jeanine. I admit, the medication that she's developing has a noble use, but this isn't the way to go about things like this. You're not supposed to use real people to test prototypes without their consent, but based on the pain the serum has caused me, I understand why she's using people without asking. It hurts like hell.

"Tell her to just kill me." I whimper, throwing my head back against the table and sobbing. "I'd rather die than have that poison injected to me." The girl shakes her head and remains silent. She presses the button to return the table to it's original position. I continue crying as she rolls the table out of the room, and I attempt to pull my limbs out of the restraints, but all it causes is a searing pain on my burns. We turn down one hallway when we're brought to a sudden stop.

"What the hell?" I bite out, my burns becoming unbearable. It feels like my whole body is being sliced apart slowly by paper cuts, eventually cutting down to the bone.

"Shut up!" The bald girl whispers, her breath splaying across the side of my face. "My name's Lynn, I've been working for Jeanine undercover for the FBI and Tris, you're going to go through some shit over the next couple days, but just know you'll get out before you're killed."

"What? What about Tobias? Please, please, please get him out first! He doesn't deserve this!" I demand in a hushed tone, my eyes wide with excitement and terror. He has to get out first, he's been through more than most people and he really doesn't deserve this.

"You don't deserve it either, Tris." She counters.

"Yes, yes I do. My family's dead and I'm not." I choke, my eyes blurring with another wave of tears. "I deserve this one-hundred percent." She must see the sheer determination in my eyes, because she doesn't respond- we just continue on down the brightly lit hallway to the laboratory, where I will be pumped with the drug that was created in hell.


After we got to the lab, I discovered that I'd have to go through a few hours of tests before actually being injected with The Miracle, as Jeanine calls it. They tested hormone levels to see what chemicals would be heavier within the serum, the tested my blood for any traces of The Miracle, and they monitored my heart rate with lead stickers, and then, they scanned my brain. Apparently my Cortisol level was high, meaning I was physically and emotionally stressed, but Jeanine thought the number was still too low for the full effects of The Miracle to take place.

"Don't worry, we'll fix that issue tomorrow." She promised me, patting my head like a dog.

Now, I lay here silently as non-essential personnel file out of the room. Peter saunters in, a sneer tugging at his lips.

"Hi, princess." He chuckles at the use of my old nickname. That's what he called me when we were dating, when I thought I loved him.

"Peter." I greet with a smirk of my own. Lynn told me they'd save me, and that means that Peter will no doubt be thrown back in prison, for a much longer sentence this time.

"What's with the smugness?" He grits, his hands clenching. I just grin at him. "You know what's about to happen don't you?" He picks up a vial off a surgical tray, the glass already glowing with the familiar bluish liquid.

"You're about to inject me." I sigh, closing my eyes to prepare.


"Get on with it then." I spit, turning my head sideways to glare at him.

"Gladly." Peter replies, finding the vein in my arm within milliseconds and plunging the needle in causing another one of my grueling seizures again.

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